Elizabeth Alexander, President, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York, NY Nancy Barnes, Senior Vice President of News and Editorial Director, National Public Radio Robert Blau, Executive Editor of Projects and Investigations, Bloomberg News, Washington, DC Lee C. Bollinger, President, Columbia University Katherine Boo author and journalist, Washington, DC Neil Brown, President, Poynter Institute for Media Studies, St. Petersburg, FL Dana Canedy, Administrator, The Pulitzer Prizes, Columbia University Nicole Carroll, Editor in Chief, USA Today, McLean, VA Steve Coll, Dean, Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University Gail Collins, Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times John Daniszewski, Vice President and Editor at Large for Standards, Associated Press, New York, NY Stephen Engelberg, Editor-in-Chief, ProPublica, New York, NY Steven Hahn, Professor of History, New York University Carlos Lozada, Associate Editor and Nonfiction Book Critic, The Washington Post Aminda Marqués Gonzalez, President, Publisher and Executive Editor, Miami Herald Emily Ramshaw, Co-Founder and CEO, The 19th David Remnick, Editor and Staff Writer, The New Yorker Tommie Shelby, Caldwell Titcomb Professor of African and African American Studies and of Philosophy, Harvard University
Click here Pulitzer Prize Board Members for 2020 - 2021
The objective of this website is to show the corruption and fraud within the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize with regards to Dr John WorldPeace JD who has written and published over 7,000 poems between 1970 and 2022. That is more than Carl Sandburg, E E Cummings, Louise Gluck, Langston Hughes, Emily Dickenson, Ruyard Kipling and Walt Whitman combined and he continues to write and publish 125+ poems per month.
The Pulitzer officials did not read his 3,300+ poem 2020 submission and have not denied it.
There is a prejudice against Dr John WorldPeace JD because he did not attend an Ivy League university (he has degrees in Political Science, Accounting and Law from the University of Houston and worked full time during the 10 years it took to acquire those degrees) he has never been a university professor, he has never submitted any poems to any publishers or Poetry organizations except his 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize submission and therefore has no poetry awards of any kind.
Without the above credentials, and considering that Dr WorldPeace submitted 3,300+ poems the judges decided they did not have to take on the burden of reading Dr WorldPeace's submission. Dr WorldPeace JD (along with all other submitters) sent 4 copies of his 4 volumes of poems to the judges and none of those books (if they still exist) have any notations by anyone at Pulitzer who read Dr WorldPeace Submission.
Dr WorldPeace believes that without any input from any poetry related professor, publisher or other poetry authority, the judges were intimidated by Dr WorldPeace' submission and did not want to put their career on the line over a completely unknown poet. It was easier to just mark Dr WorldPeace's submission Dead On Arrival and trash it; end of problem.
Dr WorldPeace did not submit his eligible 900+ poems for the 2021 Pulitzer Poetry Prize but has submitted 4 books with a combined total of 1400 poems for the 2022 Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
Dr John WorldPeace JD 220401
Dr John WorldPeace JD vs The Pulitzer poetry Prize 2020, 2022, 2023 Date
and ref No.230605
The unwritten rules of winnng a Pulitzer Poetry Prize - Date and Ref No 230605
Dr John WorldPeace JD has written 8000+ poems between 1970 and 2022. He has writtem more poems than Carl Sandburg, E E Cummings, Louise Gluck, Langston Hughes, Emily Dickinson, Rudyard Kipling, and Walt Whitman in their combined careers. Dr WorldPeace continues to write 125+ poems per month.
January 10, 2022
FROM: Dr John WorldPeace JD
TO: The following Administrator and Pulitzer Board Members listed below:
Bud Kliment
Interim Administrator
Joseph O. Legaspi, Elizabeth Alexander, Nancy Barnes, Lee C. Bollinger,
Katherine Boo, Neil Brown, Nicole Carroll, Steve Coll, Gail Collins,
John Daniszewski, Stephen Engelberg, Carlos Lozada, Kelly Lytle Hernandez,
Aminda Marqués Gonzalez, Kevin Merida, Emily Ramshaw, David Remnick,
Tommie Shelby
RE: This is my YouTube video regarding the background of my new poetry book
"Two Poets Amanda Gorman and Dr John WorldPeace JD
YouTube video link:
Book for sale on Amazon.com/books/ Two Poets Amanda Gorman and Dr John WorldPeace JD
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Click here May 8, 2022, ALERT !!! Amanda Gorman Books and Elizabeth Alexander
Click here April 29, 2022, Objection to Amanda Gorman's 2022 Pulitzer Poetry Entry
Click here April 27, 2022, Majorie Miller, Pulitzer Administrator
Click here April 26, 2022, Marjorie Miller, Administrator Pulitzer Prize
Click here April 25, 2022, To Majorie Miller, Administrator of the Pulitzer Prize
Click here March 31, 2022, Announcement of Majorie Miller as Administrator of Pulitzer Prize effective April 11, 2022
Click here March 31, 2022, email sent to Bud Kliment acting Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and the Board regarding the poetry and publishing parallels between Rupi Kaur (age 25) and Dr John WorldPeace JD (age 74)
Click here March 29, 2022, The manuscript "The JWP Journal of the Last War Russia v Ukraine"
Click here March 29, 2022, email sent to Bud Kliment acting Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and the Board regarding "The JWP Journal of the Last War Russia v Ukraine"
Click here March 15, 2022, email sent to Bud Kliment acting Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and the Board regarding Jwp Supplement to Jwp to Pulitzer email of 220303 (March 3, 2020)
Click here March 3, 2022, email sent to Bud Kliment acting Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and the Board as to why Dr John WorldPeace JD should win the 2022 Pulitzer Poetry Prize a as well as the two nominations (12 pages)
Click here March 1, 2022, email sent to Bud Kliment acting Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and the Board regarding the Preface change in Dr Jwp submission of Raw White Racism for 2022 Pulitzer Poetry Prize
Click here February 12, 2022, email sent to Bud Kliment acting Administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and presently being sent by Dr John WorldPeace JD to the English Departments in all the Universities in the USA regarding the Pulitzer Poetry Prize
Click here February 1, 2022, Re: Dr John WorldPeace JD submission for the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize not be read
Click here January 5, 2022, Dr WorldPeace heads-up email to the Administrator and Individual Board Members regarding his just published book "Two Poets: Amanda Gorman & Dr John Worldpeace" to be submitted for the 2023 Pulitzer Prize (full manuscript attached)
Click here December 4, 2021, Who is Dr John WordPeace JD "The Poet" ?
Click hereDr WorldPeace short-hand rendition of the archives of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize 1922 to 2000 regarding the section of the winner for each year. (Taken from THE PULITZER PRIZE ARCHIVE Volume 17: pages 397 - 426 by Heinz-D Fischer: 2003 K G Saur publisher)
Click hereDr WorldPeace compilation regarding the winners and finalist 2000 to 2021 (University attended, employed as professor or not, had poetry accolades prior to winning the Pulitzer Poetry Prize, publisher etc)
I have been writing poetry since October 11, 1970, the night before I left for basic training in the Army after graduating from the University of Houston in August 1970 with a Political Science degree.
“Writing poetry” is the common phrase but I do not write poetry, except in the generic sense of the word writing as opposed to typing. I channel poetry which is a word in use in the metaphysical community.
Channeling occurs when a human being, incarnate with an infinite immortal soul receives psychic information from a disincarnate spirit. A more grounded phrase would be inspiration from a Muse who could be an incarnate or disincarnate being.
I am a very psychic person but not a fortune teller. When I realized I had these psychic abilities, I agreed to channel positive messages for the most part that I feel come from disincarnate souls who have something positive they want to say to the world human society.
I agreed to channel poetry and I have a visual of a very long line of disincarnate souls who want me to channel something to the world human society for them. This is just my metaphorical explanation of my process of creating poetry (as well as art and other writings).
So at anytime of the day or night, no matter what I am doing, I may feel an inspiration. And for my poetry, that may be a word or phrase or a vision that comes to my mind. I know when I am receiving a call to channel something. When I have this experience, I sit down and record what I am hearing.
If I get a phrase and follow it through in my mind, I will lose the message. So, I sit down and record the message as it flows. When I am finished listening and recording, I have a poem which I date and time. This usually only takes a few minutes, 2-10 minutes. I then put the poem in a binder or folder or put it in my pocket until I get home and file them. I have all the original 6000 poems I have ever channeled over the last 53 years.
Within a few minutes after I finish the poem, I only have a vague idea of what I wrote about. I write all my poems in my cursive handwriting. I really can’t get a satisfactory connection if I type the poem as I am receiving it..
I read the poem when I finish and rewrite words that I will probably not be able to recognize, due to bad handwriting, when I am typing the poem for publication. Other than this, I don’t edit the poem. If I try to edit it, it will crash the energy of the poem and it will not flow.
Most poets who win the Pulitzer Prize are wordsmiths from what I can tell and they rough out a poem and then beat it to death trying to create something generally thought is close to perfect. For me, this process is like putting a straight jacket on a poem.
I feel that to change what I have been given would end the number of disincarnate spirits who would trust me to channel their thoughts.
I always expected to paint when I finished my education for my professional career but being inspired by an image and then sketching it is difficult and time consuming. Channeling a poem is quick and effortless. So in order to keep my creative channel secure and developing, I wrote poems which is never disruptive. It just takes a few minutes and there are only a few things that I cannot break away from for a few minutes.
I made an agreement many decades ago with the disincarnate souls that they would not try to communicate when they know I cannot break away. Yes you can communicate with disincarnate spirits. Just because people you knew died, does not mean they cannot communicate with you and you to them. You just have to learn how to tune in with disincarnate being.
The training to increase your intuition and creativity begins with prayer, study, meditation and yoga, etc.
Now I am relating this because I believe the Pulitzer Poetry prize has been skewed towards wordsmiths and not channelers. I have read some articles that propose that EE Cummings never won a Pulitzer Prize because his poetry style was just too free.
For me the content of the poem is more important than the structure.
That being said, over the 53 years I have been channeling poetry, I have made no effort to get the poems published, or enter contests, or market my poetry in any way. I am not a wordsmith poet so I cannot get in sync with a magazine who wants a certain kind of poetry. My unique demand is that I make poems available and a magazine editor can read what I have made available monthly and pick something. I am psychic but I have no interest in using those abilities to try to read some editor’s mind of what he is looking for..
I began in the Spring of 2018 to organize and edit my poems and formalize them into poetry books. It has taken 3 years. In the Summer of 2019, I decided to look around at some of the advanced poetry contests like the Pulitzer Prize to see if without any additional effort, I could submit my poems.
I decided to enter the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize. The deadline was October 3, 2019, and the prize was to be announced in April of 2020, and that would be the 2020 Pulitzer Prize even though the poems were written in 2019.
I did not know anything about poetry contests. There were just a couple of rules for entry, mainly that the submission had to be published between January and October 2019.
I did read somewhere that you could submit a collection, compilation or selection of poems where some of the poems were not published in that time period. So I compiled all the poems I had written from 1970 to October 2019 and called the books my Complete Poems and submitted them for the Pulitzer Poetry Prize. It was a submission of 4 volumes, about 3100 pages and about 4000 poems.
All my poetry is on https://drjohnworldpeacejdpoetry.com
When the Pulitzer Poetry section received my submission, they threw it into the garbage. My submission was dead on arrival. DOA. They did not read my submission.
I had no suspicion of anything like this until the winner was announced in 2020; a professor who had submitted his 3rd book of 100 poems over a 20 years period. So my 4000 poems could not win over his 100 poems. I am 73, worked in high level professions of insurance, accounting, tax, law and web design with small business owners as my client base. In addition, I have university degrees from the University of Houston in political science, accounting and law. And I was a member of Mensa and Intertel meaning my IQ is in the top 1%
I knew something was wrong and I went earching for answers.
It took me a year to put all the pieces together and realize that there are unwritten rules about who is actually eligible to win the Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
Click here for the List of Pulitzer Prize winners and finalists and their credentials from 2000 through 2021.
1) You need to be a university professor in English, better yet poetry. And you need to have been working in one of the top universities.
2) You need a long list of awards and grants and other such accolades.
These are the two primary unwritten requirements to win the Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
3) You need to have a bachelors from one of the Ivy League colleges,
4) You need to have a publisher who knows the ropes and probably has some connection with the Pulitzer board like Copper Canyon Press. They have had 6 winners or finalists in the last 15 years.
5) You need a professional cover for your book. Cosmetics reign over content.
6) You need several editors so there are no grammar errors in your book.
In short, without professional guidance and help on content, layout, covers, editing you are not going to win.
7) My research shows a definite bias against avante guard poetry. You need to be a wordsmith. You can get away with some free verse but you still cannot write like EE Cummings. And you surely cannot channel poems, which is a spiritual creation. Why can you not channel poems and win the Pulitzer Prize? Because it cannot be taught like the three Rs and if it cannot be taught then the professors lose control of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
The Pulitzer Poetry Prize is an extreme elitist exclusionary control over a very valuable accolade and the money that goes with it. I read somewhere that a Pulitzer Prize win is worth $2 million to the publisher.
OBSERVATION as to why poetry does not sell better than it does:
Why do think poetry books do not sell that well??? Could it be that the average American reads on a 7th grade level and college professors are controlling the designated Pulitzer Poetry winners. Robert Frost has not much appeal to the Millennial and Gen Z. There are poetry sites on Facebook and independent sites like AllPoetry.com that show there are many outstanding poets in American society but their poetry is frozen out of the elitist professor oriented Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
Rewrite the rules and you will see an explosion of poetry in the Third Millennium. Corporate religion is a dead man walking. Personal spirituality is taking over the Third Millennium and poetry is the medium of spirituality.
From a legal perspective, what the Pulitzer Poetry Prize is doing is CRIMINAL FRAUD. You cannot have a contest where you charge $75 as an entry fee and not tell the potential submitters about all the rules and considerations much less tell them you may not read their entry.
Had I known the reality of the Pulitzer Poetry rules, I would have never wasted my time submitting my books.
TWO other issues
After I created this website,Dr John WorldPeace JD verses Pulitzer, and confronted the Pulitzer, they fired Dana Canedy, the Administrator. They said she moved on to a better job at Simon & Shuster. Now who believes that a Black woman who has been able to become the Administer of the Pulitzer Prizes has a better job offer; a stupid lie for blind children.
In addition, my actions have caused another change. You no longer have to submit hard copies of your book. Why the change? The Pulitzer knew they did not read my hardcopy books. If my books had been read there would be evidence of annotations through out my submission. They do not have that evidence that anyone read my submission. Few people are going to annotate a PDF file.
So the corruption is obvious and this website is my attack on that corruption. I am a long way from being finished with the Pulitzer or Columbia University who administers it.
I did not make a submission for the 2021 Pulitzer Prize because I knew I had not found enough connects to understand the truth about how the selection of winners and finalists were chosen.
Yet, during the calendar year 2021 I wrote and published 853 pages of poems in two volumes.
I think the judges are just too damn lazy to read more than 100 pages of fluff per poet. I also think for all their education, they simple do not have the knowledge to judge what I submitted.
I am sure the powers that be regarding the Pulitzer Poetry Prize thought my 2020 submission was a one time anomoly. But I surprised them by writing 853 poems in 2021.
Now my 2021 surprise for the 2022 Prize: I submitted 4 entries of 1383 pages as follows.
Dr John WorldPeace JD Complete Poems 2021 January to September
(761 pages)
Paperback available on Amazon.com - click here
A Third Thousand Petal Zen Lotus: Poems 3000 TO 3200
(200 poems 80 pages)
Free Verse Haiku (short poems)
Paperback available on Amazon.com - click here
Dr John WorldPeace JD Eastern Religion as Poetry: Krishna, Buddha, Lao Tsu, Patanjali, Confucius(468 pages)
Paperback available on Amazon.com - click here
This is a reinterpretation of some sacred sripts of Eastern Religion by Dr John WorldPeace JD with a WorldPeace orientation
RAW WHITE RACISM (written in 2020) (one poem 74 pages)
Paperback available on Amazon.com - click here
In the meantime, I think you get the message. I know nothing about the other Pulitzer Prizes but my life experiences and knowledge indicates that the Pulitzer Poetry Prize problems are the same throughout the Pulitzer organization.
Dr John WorldPece JD
Email: DrJohnWorldPeaceJD@gmail.com
I spent from 1970 to date writing poetry. Until I submitted my Complete poems for the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize in October 2019, I had spent ZERO time working on any aspect of marketing my poems. So at the time of my submission, the judges for the Poetry prize had absolutely no place to go to get any kind of feedback on my poetry: except to read what I submitted.
Now let me say the fact that I am an unknown poet is a huge problem for conservative bureaucrats. The reason is because there is a prime rule for senior employees in big, old, corporations and entities. “It is better to go with he herd and be wrong than go it alone and be right.” So when I dropped 4,000 poems in Pulitzer’s lap, without a single person having ever said a single word about my poems, it created huge fear for the judges. A 4,000 poem submission from an unknown poet is to say the least extremely intimidating.
There is another huge negative for the conservative judges: the fact I changed my name to John WorldPeace after my first 19 year marriage ended in 1988. Even though virtually all the married female Pulitzer judges changed their names when they got married, there is still great prejudice associated with a White male changing his surnamet. Most conservatives want to immediatly discount me as a nutcase. Yes, I have dealt with more pushback for changing my name to WorldPeace than any of you can imagine. I was fully aware of what I was going to be dealing with when I changed my name and I was not wrong. Nor was I discouraged with this understanding. I was going to have a name that stated loud and clear who I am and what I am doing in this life.
In 33 years, I have verified that people hate peace and moreso hate those who advocate peace, Why? Because human beings hate the thought of change more than anything else. And change is the primary driving component to increase the peace in the world human society.
I honestly take almost everything anyone says to me with a grain of salt. I have no peers. So no one has any concept of the right questions to ask me. You don’t know anyone like me and you need to keep that in mind. I have no peers.
Now here is the simple reality about my poetry. At this time, I have written about 6000 poems. What that means is that I am the most prolific, prodigious, published American Poet, bar none, known or unknown, and the most published of English language poets in the world. Add to that consider the fact that I have written about 100-125 poems a month since I submitted my poems to Pulitzer 17 months ago. I am 72, in good health. That means no one is going to catch up with my production. You cannot write that many poems and be writing crap. Or let me say no more crap than the most famous poets have written.
If a moron writes 200 poems there is probably one or two that would stand out as top drawer. I have seen too many people in too many areas wrestle with some vision relentlessly until they came up with something noteworthy. I have not written crap. Give me 30 people who have decades of working with poetry and none of them are going to declare my entire body of poems as crap. Out of 4,000 poems I am sure I had 78 better than the 78 Dr Jericho wrote to win the Prize.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Who is Dr John WorldPeace JD?
Personal Photographic Profile of Dr John WorldPeace JD
A NOTE ABOUT MY WRITING STYLE: I was never that good with grammar. I always had to read what I wrote several times. I am a very fast reader and a very fast typist which at 73 throws off more errors than when I was younger. At this point in my life, I will proof something twice and run the Grammarly editor once. I ignore a lot of its suggestions. Also, writing poetry for so many decades, my poetic language bleeds into my prose mostly in the form of cropped sentences, incomplete sentences, wrong tense and so on.
Also, my attitude after writing for so many years is that art, poetry and prose are never really completely finished. So I dont worry about perfection. I also do not want to invest in someone to clean up what I write because in the law and in poetry a word can make a lot of difference. But I am seeing that I need an English major to proof everything I have written.
I have never used drugs or smoked pot and drink alcohol very seldom but I have a lifetime of deep meditation and tend to drift into a low level trance when writing long prose and definitely when writing poetry or developing a painting. 5 minutes after writing a poem, I cannot tell you what I wrote except very vaguely. My poetry punctuation is almost non existent. I skip line, indent and space out words as punctuation in my poetry. I am never, as in never, fully rested. I am more concerned about the content of what I write than the technical writing skills I bring to the project.
I also have a habit in some cases of self publishing an unfinished book; a book that I have not completed. When you self publish, you can edit the content and within a day or two the new version is what becomes the official version. My Miracles book and my Life of Jesus Christ: an epic poem and my Prison Journal are good examples. Sometimes I have just not been given parts of my books so I publish what I have and allow the readers to help me see what is missing.
If you look at this web site you will see that I have come at the same material over and over trying to work something out and trying to better organize my thougths.
Joni Mitchell said this about her song "Both Sides Now"
Once commenting about the track, Mitchell noted: “I was reading Saul Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King on a plane and early in the book ‘Henderson the Rain King’ is also up in a plane. He’s on his way to Africa, and he looks down and sees these clouds. I put down the book, looked out the window and saw clouds too, and I immediately started writing the song. I had no idea that the song would become as popular as it did.”
This I is how I have written virtually every one of my poems for over 51 years. Dr Jwp
1) Dr John WorldPeace JD submitted for the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize his 50 years of 4,000 poems published in 2019. The poems were never read by Pulitzer. This has not been denied by Pulitzer. Not a scintilla of proof has been offered by Pulitzer that Dr WorldPeace's submission was ever read. Pulitzer had 4 copies of my submission. If anyone read any of those copies, there would be some notes by the reader in those copies. I think Pulitzer trashed my submission almost as soon as they saw it.
2) The winner was Jericho Brown PhD, Emory University’s Winship Distinguished Research Professor in Creative Writing who submitted 78 poems under the title of "The Tradition".
3) Neither the Pulitzer judges nor Dr Brown, a designated expert in creative poety, or Dr Brown's publisher, Copper Canyon Press, have explained how Dr Brown's 78 poems won over Dr WorldPeace's 4000 poems. The reason is simple even to a blindman. Dr Brown's miniscule submission cannot hold a candle to the lifetime submission of Dr WorldPeace's 4000 poems. Dr Brown's win, was a manipulated and corrupt win. And the truth is he cannot wrap his head around my life's work even as a designated poetry expert by Emory University. Also, he is a university tenured bureaucrat and as in 4f below, he is not going to put his career on the line commenting on my poetry when there is not a single poetry expert who has commented on my poetry. Dr Brown is a fraud, which he does not deny.
4) The Pulitzer took $75 from each poet who submitted his or her poems and Pulitzer knew none of them who did not know the unwritten rules had a “dog’s chance in hell” of winning.
What I found out after Dr Brown was announced winner was that there was in fact a whole lot of unstated unwritten rules associated with the Pulitzer prize. As I said above, I never submitted my poems for publication or to any contest. They were on my websites after websites were created in the late 90s but they were never promoted. Website publication was not considered publication for 2019 Pulitzer Poetry Prize so I could submit my poetic life's work. I did not read poetry. I did not participate in any poetry event and I did not associate with any poets. I did take one 19th centruy poetic survey in my second year of college. I have lived a very full and intense life and poetry was always a hobby for lack of time to allocate to it. As a hobby, I have written more poems than any other American poet. The truth is often paradoxical.
Note: to take $75 from entrants without posted rules when there are in fact rules to the contest is fraud and theft. The only rule was the poems for the 2020 prize had to be written between January and October 2019 or part of a collection from prior written poems. So if you call your submission a Collection, Selection, Anthology, etc.
Here are some of the unwritten rules. I am not sure that I have them all but when the 2021 prize is awarded I am sure I will discover some more. Having things on this list gives you a priority position even before a single word is read.
a) You must have a professional cover. All my 85 books on Amazon have my brand on the front. If you don't have a professional cover, you lose. I have been an artist for almost 60 years. No way I am going to let anyone design my cover. No way I am going to pay $2500 for a cover just to enter a poetry contest.
b) There is no interest in free verse. The Pulitzer went out of its way to not award E E Cummings the prize in his long and distinguished career writing 2900 free verse poems. It appears that the Pulitzer has a long history of contempt for free verse. See "E E Cummings and the Pulitzer" by Tony Ortega below. ( But my poems also include Frost, Dickinson, Whitman, and others genres including Haiku but it made no difference since they did not read my submission.) Walt Whitman created free verse. E E Cummings to it to the max extreme. I backed off E E Cummings extreme placement of words and have written more free verse than any American poet.
c) There can be no punctuation or grammar errors. This requires professional readers to proof your entry. Grammarly will not be sufficient. The cost of a professional cover and readers would bar more than a few poets from entering if the rules were posted. In fact, if the rules were posted there may be less than a dozen entries. Free verse poetry is not concerned with grammar, punctuation or spelling.
d) All poems need to be in a traditional left justified format.
e) It requires a poetry publisher who knows the rules and maybe even socializes with the judges or just knows them. Copper Canyon Press, Dr Brown's publisher has won 3 Pulitzer Poetry Prizes and had 4 nominations between 2015 and 2020. Pretty astounding. What is wrong with this picture.
f) It is necessary for the submitting poet to have a blue ribbon resume of accolades for poetry. Submission from someone like me who has never published and never entered contests are DOA unread. You see awards by noted poets and critics is a cover-your-ass requirement for judges. It is easier for a judge to vote for a work that some other poetry authority has recognized. Its foundational herd mentality. Better to be wrong and with the herd than right and alone. If you want to fly alone, you will get shot down. Every academic bureaucrat knows this and 99% live by it.
5) What is interesting and relevant is that there are two gigantic enablers of pedophiles. The Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church. And as it so happens Boy Scout troops are sponsored by Protestant churches. It is a hell of a reality detrimental to all who are boy scouts and altar boys in the Catholic church.
But the Pulitzer Prize and Emory University are another class of enablers. Scoutmaster to boy scouts, priests to altar boys and university professors and their freshman students. And now we have an example of the Pulitzer organization further enabling Dr Brown as a university professor with an award of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry. All the LGBTQ issues do not apply to a scout master, priest, or college professor. Society does not tolerate pedophilies or predators of young men. Most college freshmen are adults. But at 72 years of age, I know that 17 and 18 years olds are not schooled in gay male predators. And there is the case of Dr. Strauss and his friend Rep. Jim Jordan of the U S Congress who knew about Dr Stauss molesting (raping?) 200 atheletes at Ohio State.
I do not think Dr Brown should be denied a teaching position at Emory because he is a Flaming Queer Queen (Queer being adopted by the LGBT community the same as Nigga embraced by Blacks: go figure.) but I believe there must be a mandatory disclosure signed by all feshman male students who sign up for his classes that they are dealing with a flaming Queen accompanied by a definition of flaming Queen. The other option is to bar freshmen males from taking Dr Brown’s classes. Dr Brown as a flaming Queen is in a academic position that creates a target rich environment for him. Two of his three poetry books are about his search for the perfect gay lover. The power that a university professor has over a young males is every bit as great as a priest or a boy scout leader. In fact, a college professor has more power because he can trash a college transcipt. It does not matter that Freshmen are generally legal adults. Freshmen do not need to be subjected to a world wise predator without notice. You dont become world wise just because you passed an age threshold. I will acknowledge that I had an encounter through a kid I thought was my best friend. He put me in a negative position with a scout master that was molesting him. My father put an end to that problem. Oh yes according to Wikipedia, Dr Brown has HIV meaning he had/has an above average sex life. Seems like Emory University and the Pulitzer would keep this in mind in the age of Covid-19.
The Boy Scouts went Bankrupt over their enabling of pedophile scout masters. The Catholic Church is also facing astronomical financial damages just the same. So it seems Emory University, Columbia University and the Pulitzer may well find themselves in the same financial straights. So why would the Pulitzer award Dr Brown the Pulitzer Prize? Dana Canedy? Corruption? Ignorance? Arrogance? Hatred for WorldPeace for advocating WorldPeace or for writing like E E Cummings?
Lastly, the world is full of problems from Trump, to global warming, the Covid-19 virus, racism, Trump insurrectionists, etc. The Pulitzer chose Dr Brown as winner to give recognition to Black Queens who society has loudly stated they do not want in positions of authority over young men.
I also suspect that Dr Brown's publisher, Copper Canyon Press, and Dana Canedy conspired to award the prize to Dr. Brown.
I would note that after the 2020 awards, due to my blazing email complaint, Ms. Canedy was fired from the position of administrator 30 days after the board received my email. They say she was not fired. A Black woman in that elite position such that she was allowed to ring the opening bell at the NY Stock Exchange is going to quit a super high status job as administrator of the Pulitzer Prize in less that 3 years? Give me a break. If you believe that, I have a good deal on some swamp land for you. It also appears that Ms. Canedy's son is a gay blade himself.
We will see what happens between now and June 2021, at the 2021 Pulitzer Awards. I did not enter. Doing the same things over again expecting a different result is insanity. I only had 1000 elibigle poems in 2021 when 4000 were not enough to win in 2020.
It is going to be interesting to see if anyone accepts the Pulitzer Poetry Prize this year because they know that I am going to be very much a presence. No one is going to accept a Pulitzer Poetry Prize whose integrity is seriously in question. A prize awarded when none of my accusations have been denied. I think most people believe the lack of a response is an indication that what I have said above is true.
Another problem the Pulitzer has is that I have stepped forward with some serious credentials in life and unchallenged top of the pyramid poetic credentials. And I am a high IQ Polymath as opposed to a one trick poetry pony.
It makes me laugh that Dr Brown's paltry 78 poem submission beat out my ground breaking 4000 poems submission. And in the time since his award, I have written another 1000+ poems and I have added another 800 world religious texts reintrepreted with a WorldPeace spin and a poetry format that I have been working on since 1993. What has he done? I have seen no new books from him.
Below you will find my correspondence to the Pulitzer board to which they have not responded. Just more details of these comments. Big, as in very big mistake for the Pulitzer not to respond to me. In a court of law, allegations that are not rebutted are taken as true.
Lastly, if you want to call me a racist, see johnworldpeace.com and see my poem in the Right Column of this website just above the photo of Dr Jericho, "Raw White Racism" (55 pages) which is about my being born and raised in Houston, Texas. I left Texas 10 years ago because nothing has changed in that state. If anything, it has become more fascist across the board.
Oh yes, a point of interest: Dr Brown and I both changed our names. Dr Brown got his Phd and I got my Doctor of Jurisprudence at the University of Houston; a few decades apart, I am 72 and he is 44. And we are both significant poets, me much moreso significant than him and astronomically more ambitious and driven. The world is full of coincidences.
Dr Jwp JD March 15, 2021/ April 20, 2021 (210420)
E. E. Cummings and the Pulitzer
June 6, 2008
Clip Job: an excerpt every day from the Voice archives.
December 10, 1958, Vol. IV, No. 7
The Lively Arts
By Gilbert Seldes
It is surely a remarkable coincidence that in every year which witnesses the publication of a book of poems by E. E. Cummings, the judges who award the Pulitzer Prize manage to find another poet to honor. You can imagine the scene for yourself. The deadline is the 31st of some month and the judges are huddled together waiting for midnight to bong. If no book by Cummings slips in, just under the last stroke of the bell, they sigh with relief–but those last few seconds must be agonizing. Suppose he does it again. They’ll really have to scramble about a bit. Can’t give it to Robert Frost every year, you know! Some years that old meanie Frost doesn’t publish a book at all and it’s tough. But bless them! they always manage.
They’ll have to manage again this year. For Cummings has published a new collection (“95 Poems”) and an excellent book about him and his work has just appeared (“The Magic Maker, E. E. Cummings,” by Charles Norman).
I suspect that this year’s Pulitzer Prize for poetry will be given to James Russell Lowell…
The Pulitzer Prize in poetry can be awarded posthumously, and it has just occurred to me that a new book by Robert W. Service–or maybe an old one–has just been issued. The Committee is off the hook.
Come to think of it, Cummings has held the most exalted single post a poet in America can hold: he has been Charles Eliot Norton Professor at Harvard. He’s had a Bollingen. He’s an academician. For all I know he may be entitled to be addressed as “Doctor.”
Isn’t there a faint possibility that the Pulitzer people need him a little more than he needs them?
[The 1959 award actually went to Stanley Kunitz, and Cummings never won a Pulitzer–Tony O.]
FOR IMMEDIATE Distribution:
President Lee Bollinger
and all members of the Pulitzer Board
Here is another story from today's news about enabling rabid gay queens in a university environment. So goes Ohio State, So goes University of Michigan, so goes Columbia University and Emory University..
Dr John WorldPeace JD
University of Michigan football coaching legend's son says dad knew doctor was abusing athletes
Matt Schembechler, son of the University of Michigan's legendary football coach, Bo Schembechler, says that he was sexually abused by a former team doctor being investigated by the school -- and that his father knew and did nothing.
Posted: Jun 11, 2021 11:40 AM
Updated: Jun 11, 2021 11:40 AM
Posted By: By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN
The son of the University of Michigan's legendary football coach, Bo Schembechler, alleged Thursday that he was sexually abused by a former team doctor being investigated by the school -- and that his father knew and did nothing.
Matt Schembechler, 62, said he first visited Dr. Robert Anderson before playing football as a fourth-grader in 1969. Anderson "fondled my genitalia and conducted an invasive rectal exam," he told reporters.
He told his mother about the exam, and she instructed him to tell his adoptive father. It didn't go well, he recalled. His dad didn't want to hear the allegations.
"Bo's temper was legendary, and he lost it," Matt Schembechler said. "I tried to tell him repeatedly, but my effort earned me a punch in the chest. This was the beginning of the end of the relationship. ... I hoped my father would protect me, but he didn't."
The boy and his mother later reported Anderson's behavior to athletic director Don Canham, who terminated Anderson, but it is Matt Schembechler's understanding that his father had Anderson reinstated, he said.
The coach's son was joined by two heretofore anonymous former Michigan players, Daniel Kwiatkowski and Gilvanni Johnson, who were cited in a report commissioned by UM that found the university received hundreds of allegations about Anderson -- over decades -- and failed to act, attorney Mick Grewal said. The ex-players say they told the coach of Anderson's abuse.
Grewal described Anderson as a "pedophile predator" who Bo Schembechler protected. Matt Schembechler and the former players' purpose in telling their story is twofold, the lawyer explained.
"Their courage to come forward and stand today is not only going to help them heal but is also going to help all the other hundreds, if not thousands, of survivors of this ordeal," Grewal said.
Bo Schembechler died in 2006, Anderson two years later.
A statement from UM President Mark Schlissel and the board of regents expressed sympathy for the victims and thanked them for their bravery. The school has taken measures to protect its students going forward, it said.
"We condemn and apologize for the tragic misconduct of the late Dr. Robert Anderson, who left the University 17 years ago and died 13 years ago. We are committed to resolving their claims and to continuing the court-guided confidential mediation process."
Report documents decades of abuse
The ex-players' allegations are similar to some laid out in a 240-page report last month by law firm WilmerHale, which alleges Anderson was moved from University Health Services to the athletic department in 1981 after Thomas Easthope, assistant vice president of student services, received "credible reports of misconduct" in 1978 or 1979.
An alleged victim told the firm Easthope had conveyed to him that Anderson would stop seeing patients, but Anderson "continued to provide medical services to student-athletes and other patients -- and to engage in sexual misconduct with large numbers of them" until his retirement, the report said. Easthope told investigators he had fired Anderson, "but Mr. Easthope did not do so," the report said. Easthope died in February.
"There is no reasonable explanation," the report concluded, for Easthope's failure to act on the "rumors and innuendo surrounding Dr. Anderson," who worked at the university from 1966 to 2003.
Johnson, who came to Ann Arbor as a freshman in 1982, recalled to reporters hearing about "Dr. Anal" when he arrived on campus, but he didn't understand what it meant until his first visit.
He recounted an exam similar to the one Matt Schembechler says he endured. Johnson visited Anderson for colds, injuries and other matters at least 15 times during his four years at Michigan, and the doctor would fondle his penis and give him rectal exams each time, he said.
He told Bo Schembechler, who said he'd follow-up, but Johnson never heard back, he said. Other players told him "not to rock the boat," and Bo Schembechler reneged on a promise that the two-sport athlete could also play basketball while at Michigan, Johnson alleged.
Everyone knew about the abuse, he said, and players and coaches talked about it regularly.
"Coaches used to joke about him and actually threatened (a) Dr. Anderson exam if (they) did not think we were working hard enough," he said. "Only now do I realize how crazy it was to threaten rape as a way of motivating players to work harder."
Kwiatkowski, who played at Michigan from 1977 to 1981, suffered the same abuse, he said, adding that Anderson once blew on his penis and told him it was OK to get an erection. Bo Schembechler had promised Kwiatkowski's mother he'd treat the young man like family, so he was surprised by his coach's reaction when he reported Anderson, he said.
"Bo looked at me and said, 'Toughen up,'" Kwiatkowski said, and sent him back for three more exams with Anderson, who "violated me again and again.
The WilmerHale report alleges that -- much like Johnson relayed Thursday -- athletic officials "heard jokes or rumors about Dr. Anderson's examinations," but none took steps to investigate.
University delivers apology
The report was based on interviews with hundreds of Anderson's former patients and "approximately 200 current and former University employees, including administrators, faculty members, and coaches, as well as additional (University Health Services), Athletic Department, and Michigan Medicine personnel."
Kwiatkowski and Johnson are among the sources and anonymously shared with investigators that they told Bo Schembechler about Anderson's behavior, Grewal told CNN.
Following the report's release, Schlissel, the school president, said the university was offering "its heartfelt apology for the abuse perpetrated by the late Robert Anderson."
"We will work to regain the trust of survivors and to assure that we foster a safe environment for our students, our employees, and our community," Schlissel wrote.
The allegations already resembled those against Larry Nassar at Michigan State University and Richard Strauss at Ohio State University -- doctors accused of leveraging their positions to molest students and athletes. Strauss killed himself in 2005. Nassar is serving up to 175 years in prison after pleading guilty to criminal sexual conduct.
The addition of Bo Schembechler now draws comparisons to Penn State, where the late coaching icon, Joe Paterno, faced allegations that he did nothing about Jerry Sandusky, his assistant of 30 years, sexually abusing boys at team facilities and other locations. A jury found Sandusky guilty of 45 counts of child abuse in 2012. He is serving a sentence of up to 60 years in prison.
All four cases involve allegations that powerful institutions ignored or dismissed complaints about sexual misconduct.
Other alleged victims have come forward
Former wrestler Thomas DeLuca went to the University of Michigan in 2018 to share a report of alleged abuse by Anderson, who he said, "examined his penis, did a hernia check, and conducted a digital rectal examination without explaining why such examinations were necessary."
In 1975, he told his coach of the abuse, which began three years prior, DeLuca said. He lost his scholarship and was kicked off the team, he said.
Two more wrestlers, including Olympian Andy Hrovat, sat alongside DeLuca at a 2020 news conference, detailing their own allegations of abuse. Former San Francisco 49ers and Indianapolis Colts safety Dwight Hicks came forward with allegations later that year.
Chuck Christian, who played tight end for the Wolverines in the late 1970s and early 1980s, told CNN in May 2020 that he, too, was abused by Anderson and that the doctor's unnecessary rectal exams dissuaded him from seeing physicians later in life.
The players who joined Matt Schembechler on Thursday say, they, too became wary of doctors. Kwiatkowski jeopardized his own health, he said, and Johnson delayed important health care because of his distrust. Both men also struggle with intimacy issues, they said, and Johnson recalled engaging in promiscuous behavior to prove to himself "he was a man."
Christian is now battling prostate cancer, which he says might've been diagnosed earlier if not for his fear of physicians.
"He hurt so many people, and the way I look at it, he didn't just rape the 18-year-old freshman football player -- he raped the men that we grew to become," Christian told CNN last month. "This is affecting us for generations, and nobody will know how many generations of what Anderson has done will affect us."
In a 2020 interview, however, Christian bristled at comparisons between Paterno and Bo Schembechler, saying he was an excellent coach and wasn't to blame for Anderson's abuse. Still, he was "disappointed to find out that Michigan didn't have the integrity the players had," he said.
Other son: 'Bo would've done something'
The Hall of Fame coach has other defenders, including his biological son, who has previously told ESPN that his father knew nothing of Anderson's abuse.
"I can tell you unequivocally no one ever told Bo," Glenn Schembechler told the network last year. "Bo would have done something."
Current Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh also defended his predecessor. Standing in front of the football building that bears Schembechler's name and features a statue of the coach, Harbaugh told reporters he saw no such behavior as a youngster or as Michigan's quarterback in the 1980s, according to The Detroit News.
"There was nothing that I saw the times that I was a kid here -- my dad was on the staff -- or when I played here. He never sat on anything. He never procrastinated on anything," Harbaugh told the newspaper. "He took care of it before the sun went down. That's the Bo Schembechler that I know. There was nothing that ever was swept under the rug or ignored."
Anderson's children have come to their dad's defense, telling The Detroit News last year they didn't believe the accusations. Kurt Anderson said, "That is just not him," and Jill Anderson called the allegations ridiculous.
"My dad was a beloved doctor at the UM for so many years," the doctor's daughter told the newspaper. "He was very well-respected. Everyone said he treated them with the utmost integrity and care."
According to the WilmerHale report, many patients abused by Anderson were members of susceptible populations -- including LGBTQ patients, student-athletes vying for scholarships and patients seeking medical exemptions from the Vietnam War -- and "felt they had little choice but to abide Dr. Anderson's abuse."
Some of the alleged victims quit their teams, while others questioned their sexuality, sought counseling or dropped out of school, the report said, concluding, "The trauma that Dr. Anderson's misconduct caused persists to this day."
Kwiatkowski recalled going to a Michigan reunion in 1999, where Anderson and Bo Schembechler were in attendance. He got physically sick before greeting his former coach, he told reporters.
"Bo told me, 'Don't be afraid of me. I can't hurt you anymore,'" Kwiatkowski said. "Well, Bo's statement couldn't be further from the truth. Even all these years later, I struggle with pain caused by Dr. Anderson and Bo. Bo knew. Everybody knew."
This email from Dr John WorldPeace JD, the only global advocate for peace in the world human society, since before I was born and more so since I officially changed my name to John WorldPeace on Good Friday, April 1, 1988.
My vetting documents:
The focus of this email is the termination of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize as a corrupt fraud and the removal of Lee Bollinger as president of Columbia University and the chief executive of the Pulitzer Prizes by means of discourse and commentary as opposed to violence of any kind.
The cause of these actions is related to the submission by Dr John WorldPeace JD of 50 years of poetry that had not been submitted to any organization or entity and unpublished, except on the internet on my website which is not considered publishing by the Pulitzer Poetry Prize rules, until 2018, and submitted for the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize on October 3, 2019.
My poems were not read, which over the last 13 months has not been denied by anyone representing the Pulitzer Poetry Prize. In fact, there has been no response of any kind by the Pulitzer Prize since the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize was awarded to Jericho Brown.
The cause of action: President Bollinger allowed his Pulitzer Poetry subordinates to fraudulently take an application of $75 from many poets and their agents as an entry fee for the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize. The only rule was that the submission had to be written between January and October 2019. The assumption of all submitters was that his or her submission would be read. My submission was not read. This has not denied. In a court of law, what is not denied is taken as true. President Bollenger is an attorney-at-law.
In addition, the Pulitzer Poetry agents, intentionally, knowingly and maliciously refused to published the unwritten rules for the Pulitzer Poetry Prize; those unwritten rules being that the only submitters who were university professors, possessors of significant awards in poetry, generally went to Ivy League colleges, and recently had Copper Canyon Press as their publisher were in the running for the prize. This is verified by the attached list of data on the Pulitzer Poetry Prize winners over the last 20 years which I personally compiled. https://drjohnworldpeacejdversuspulitzerorg.com/2020YearsofPulitzerPoetrywinners210609.asp
It is obvious that the Pulitzer Poetry Prize is, for the most part, awarded within a group of elitist, exclusionary effete snobs who function in a closed society of poets who are employed by academia.
Further, me at 73, with much life experience and education, this cadre of professors were extremely fearful of commenting of my 4000 poems written over 50 years and submitted for the Pulitzer Poetry Prize because without any commentary from other poetic critics, a professor would be putting his career at risk by going again the herd consencious of their peers. In my case, no poems were submitted to anyone or any entity prior to the Pulitzer Poetry Prize entry on October 3, 2019, and so there was not a single word of commentary written by anyone regarding my poetry.
These college professors are essentially one-trick ponies whose worldly experience outside the walls of academia is minimum. I, on the other hand, am a high IQ, highly functional and motivated, work-a-holic, polymath who has been boots on the ground outside academia in the real world in my pursuit of why there is not a greater level of peace in the world human society in the 20th and 21st centuries. See my vetting documents and my flagship website, https://johnworldpeace.com, on which there are more than 15,000 pages and my list of books for sale on Amazon.com. I have no peers as the only global advocate for peace and WorldPeace.
Not Jericho Brown, the winner of the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize and a professor at Emory University, or anyone at the Pulitzer organization, took up my challenge to state why the 78 poem entry of Jericho Brown was more worthy than the 4000 poems of Dr John WorldPeace JD. This verifies that Jericho Brown and all his academic poetic peers are undeniabe frauds. Imagine all those low and high-ranking professors of poetry having nothing to say about my 4,000 poems. It is laughable and tragic the fraud of them all.
And there is the reality that reading 4,000 poems, over 3400 pages, of my submission required too much effort; meaning not only are the judges corrupt but they are also just lazy.
Further, I have written more poetry in my life than any other American or English speaking poet. In addition, since October 3, 2019, I have added about 125 free verse poems per month in addition to 1000
one-line poems that I call free verse Haiku, under the title of A Second Thousand Petal Zen Lotus. With 2000 Petals, I have created a new genre of poetry. As of today, June 8, 2021, I have written around 6000 poems in 52 years and I have no doubt that I will continue writing 1500 poems a year more or less. Publishing my poems in 2018 and 2019, and continuing since, gave me a clear vision of what I was doing, poetry-wise. Also, during that period I began to seriously read and study the poetry of the great and the common poets on the internet.
I can write on the level I write poetry because I have lived an intense and very dynamic life, and have made a habit of going where fools dare not tread, (Life is a daring adventure or nothing. Helen Keller) and therefore have much to draw from. You cannot write about things you have only experienced from books. And I can write because I have been writing for 52 years and have honed my craft of writing poetry.
I have a very large and detailed poetry website at https://drjohnworldpeacejdpoetry.com/ listing all 55+ poetry books that I have self-published since 2018 with KDP Amazon.
There are examples of my poetry on this site. There also examples of my poetry at https://allpoetry.com/Dr_John_WorldPeace_JD
There are two other collateral issues regarding the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize. First, that Jericho Brown is a flaming queen who is in a position of great power as a professor of poetry at Emory University; a position with even more power than Boy Scout leaders and Catholic priests, against whom the law has awarded millions of dollars in court actions that have in fact bankrupted the Boy Scouts; a tragedy. The Pulitzer Poety Prize has significantly bolstered the status of Jericho Brown and greatly enabled him to molest naïve young men in his poetry classes.
Jericho Brown’s winning submission was about his seeking the perfect Gay lover. Dr Brown is alleged by Wikipedia as having HIV which is an indication of a rampant hedonistic lifestyle.
When the world human society is enduring a great upheaval on almost every front, the judges of the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize chose to extoll the poetry of black gay sex. The reality of it shows a great lack of being in touch with the reality of the real world outside of which academia lives in their closed society. President Bollinger as an attorney is undeniably aware of the court bias against rabid gay males in positions of power.
As John WorldPeace, the only global WorldPeace advocate, I am a defender of all the members of the LGBTQ society with regards to equal secular rights, but I am also 100% behind the court awards against enabled male gay sexual predators in the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church as well as the abuse at Ohio State of young athletes by Dr Richard Strauss, an associate of US Congressman Jim Jorden.
I will acknowledge that as a teenager, I had an encounter with one of these predators through the dark acts of someone who I thought was my best friend when he tried to put me in jeopardy with his gay scout leader. Nothing happened but I was infuriated. Regardless of this, the law has spoken about the problems with aggressive gay males in positions of power over naïve young men.
What was President Bollinger thinking?
What influence did Dana Canedy, whose son appears to be gay, have over this decision? Ms Canedy was fired within 40 days after I filed my complaint with the Pulizter Poetry prize judges right after the award in May 2020. I assert that she blocked the processing of my submission and was terminated for it. The cover story was she got a better job. A better job for a black woman than the administrator of the Pulitzer Prize. Give me a break. What job would that be?
Second, another adjunct action by President Bollinger. Starting in October 2017, as John WorldPeace, global peace advocate, I sent President Bollinger a request to help me set up a Department to teach peace at Columbia and then propagate that curriculum globally. I sent this same letter to many hundreds of university and college presidents and chancellors. Not a single response did I receive. https://johnworldpeace.com/DrJohnWorldPeaceJDpeaceuniversity/
My flagship website is the unassembled curriculum for 30 college hours leading to a BA degree in Peace studies.
If peace is not taught in universities and colleges, then where will people learn about increasing the peace in the family and in the world human society?
There is no degree in peace in any university in the world. To even a moron, this would be an anomaly. How can you increase the peace in the world human society if we don’t TEACH PEACE.
Why is that? As Dr John WorldPeace JD, I can tell you why. For a president or chancellor to try to initiate such a course would cause a civil war to break out between the board members who direct the activities of colleges and universities and carry over into the alumni.
To me it is a no brainer that teaching peace is a priority of every level of education in the world human society. My signature statement is “How can we increase the level of peace in the world human society if we do not include everyone (all religions, all races, all nations, all genders) in our vision of peace? The answer is we cannot.
There is another global reason people generally hate peace and more so hate those like me who advocate it. That is because, more than peace, human beings hate change which is the foundation of peace. Change is a threat to the status of every human being in the world human society.
I have no peers in my activities as Dr John WorldPeace JD, global peace and worldpeace advocate. https://johnworldpeace.com (my flagship website with over 15,000+ pages)
The entities that have the most influence over the level of peace in the world human society are the religions, the governments, the courts of law, the global corporations and the universities. I have significant experience and formal and self-taught education in all these areas. No one else has my credentials. Jesus, Gandhi, M L King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and others were focused on one or another of these 5 area of peace. Gandhi was a racist. Martin Luther of the Reformation hated Jews, Jesus was focused on religion, M L King, Jr was focused on civil rights for the Blacks.
I am an advocate for peace, but I am not a pacifist. I am also the only advocate for Jesus Christ and as part of that mission I would compare myself to the prophet Elijah who claimed to be the only prophet of God and was unrelenting in his condemnation of the priests of Baal. He was violent. I am not. But I have every bit of his determination with regards to increasing the level of peace in the world human society. See https://thethirdmillenniumsecondreformationofchristianity.com/ which is an introduction to my book, The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity. I have sent tens of thousands of emails out to Evangelical and Christian preachers and churches and not a single preacher has challenged me must less suggested I debate him or her. If I am a minority of one, the truth is the truth.
I repeat. I am a global advocate for peace and WorldPeace and this farce of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize is an impediment to increasing the peace in the world human society.
I define the Pulitzer Poetry Prize as an impediment to increasing the level of peace in the world human society and that negativity is owned by President Bollinger as well as his enabling flaming gay queens as professors along with the President of Emory University.
Not teaching peace in colleges and universities in the world human society is the same as not having a Department of Peace in the President’s cabinet. There is no one more qualified to be the Secretary of that Department than Dr John WorldPeace JD.
Soon I will began to apply for dual citizenship in all the countries in the world human society in an attempt to become the first world citizen.
On my website about this matter of a corrupt Pulitzer Poetry Prize, https://drjohnworldpeacejdversuspulitzerorg.com/
I have much, much more information regarding the corruption of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize and my challenges regarding that corruption.
Let me state in no uncertain terms that I reject violence as an instrument of social change. What begins in violence imparts a legacy of violence. The legacy of war is more war.
Today, I will begin to send this email out to all of the emails listed in the 33rd Annual Edition of the Poet’s Market 2020, and I will begin with Columbia University and Emory University, administrations, faculty and students to in time email this commentary and complaint to every College and University, Secular and Sunday School educators, until the Pulitzer Poetry Prize is ended due to the fraud and farce that it is and the fraud of poetry professors who are just posers.
After WWII those American men and women who endured it and also endured the Great Depression before it, were determine that their children, the Baby Boomers, would have the things they were deprived of and not have to endure the burden they endured. The result was an arrogant, apathetic generation who are well on their way through arrogance and apathy to burn down and destroy the Garden of Eden; all the while professing love for their progeny who will inherit the world that has been incredibly diminished since WWII.
The point is that every baby boomer president or chancellor in every college and university should be immediately removed from office for many reasons but most especially for refusing to Teach Peace in a world on its way to becoming a hell on earth. I would ask that you send this email to everyone in your email address book.
I would also you to communicate your opinion in this matter to President Lee Bollinger of Columbia University at:
(212) 854-3841
If I am a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Subject: DR Jwp JD on the Corruption of The Pulitzer Poetry Prize 2020
DISTRIBUTION: Lee Bollinger, President Columbia University,
Bill Kliment, all administrators, all Board of Directors of Pulitzer
Classify as: Theory of WorldPeace, Theory of American Democracy, Theory of American Justice, Nature of American Universities.
SUMMARY: On October 3, 2019, I submitted my complete poems from 1970 to October 3, 2019, for the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize. Other than a few chap books for family in the 1970’s and after 1998 posting my poems onto my johnworldpeace.com website, I had made no attempt to market or promote my poems in anyway. No contest, no magazine submissions, no involvement with poetry groups, etc. My only formal exposure to poetry was as a sophomore in college at the University of Houston, when I took a 19th century American poetry class for one semester. Other than the rules of when a submission has to be filled out for the Pulitzer Poetry Prize, there was no other information on the internet or anywhere else about what the Pulitzer Poetry Prize required. Certainly nothing from the Pulitzer Board.
In May 2020, Jericho Brown PhD, won THE 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize, with a 100 page book published by Copper Canyon Press. I had submitted 4000 pages. Honestly I was shocked. I did not even win one of the two nominations which were clones of Dr. Brown’s. So I began to do some research. I practiced law for 20 years and I have degrees in Political Science, Accounting and Law and I have had a web design business since 1998, and so I am very familiar with research. Other than one article, there was nothing I could find about the Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
The next level of research was to simply look at winning books for the last 20 years. This is what I found: In order to be in the running for a Pulitzer Poetry Prize, you needed 1) An Ivy League degree, 2) be a university professor, 3) have a minimum of one or two significant poetry awards on your resume, 4) not submit “free verse” poetry. Recently, I found that over the last 16 years that Copper Canyon Press had 3 winners and 4 nominations. So if you have the first four qualification in the above list and Copper Canyon Press as your publisher, your chances of winning are about 40%. Absolutely Amazing.
I had submitted 1830 free verse poems, 1000 one sentence poems which I now refer to as free verse Haiku (a very under developed genre before I began to work in this area), 200 Haiku poems, two poem theme books 42 pages and 46 pages. So about 2600 pages and 4000 poems over 50 years. Compared to Dr Brown’s 100 pages and a lifetime of 300 pages over 12 years (from age 32 -44)
In January 2020, I submitted a volume of poems I wrote between October 1, and December 31, 2020, I wrote another 1000 one line poems and 500 free verse and Haiku 575 poems. These were not part of my submission because nothing written between October and December are accepted by Pulitzer.
NOTE: In 2020, I wrote another 850 pages of poems, about 1100 poems.
In 2021 to date I have written about 350 free verse poems and another 700 pages of world religions sacred text as poetry that I had been working on since 1993. Like my one line poems (free verse Haiku) no one has ever presented sacred texts of the major religions as poetry to the public that I know of.
With about 6000 poems, I am the most prolific, prodigious, published American Poet and the most published English poet in the world. Shakespeare wrote more lines of poetry maybe in his plays and sonnets but not more poems.
In the last year, Dr Jericho Brown has published no poetry that I know of.
THE BOTTOM LINE: The Pulitzer judges never read my submission. After the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry award, neither Pulitzer, nor Dr Jericho Brown an Emory University Poetry Professor, nor Copper Canyon Press, who published Dr Jericho Brown’s poetry book, have responded to my challenge to explain how Dr Brown’s 100 poems won over my 4000 poems; nor claimed to have even read my submission.
My unchallenged opinion is that the Pulitzer Poetry judges did not read my submission because it was free verse and second because I did not rank in any of the other first 3 unwritten requirements to be win the Pulitzer Poetry Prize listed above. Third, none of the judges have significant experience in free verse. Fourth, they were all too lazy to read my 4000 poems.
Walt Whitman is the father of free verse. E E Cummings was the apex practitioner and I, Dr John WorldPeace JD, am the heir apparent to their legacy as well as the most published American Poet.
As an experienced attorney, for Pulitzer to take submission fees of $75 each, knowing that they were not transparent about their unwritten requirements to win the prize, is Civil Fraud, Theft, Breach of Fiduciary duty and in this case a conspiracy between Columbia University, Pulitzer, Dana Canedy the Pulitzer administrator, the 2020 Board Members of Pulitzer personally, Dr Jericho Brown and his publisher Copper Canyon Press, and Lee Bollinger, President of Columbia and trustee of the Pulitzer Prizes. So this is a serious matter.
Pulitzer changed their 2021 Announcement date from May 4th, to April 19th, then to June the 11th. If you think they do not have an internal problem, you are wrong. My experience of working with small businesses in my insurance, accounting, tax, law and web design businesses since 1972, tells me the potential defendants have a huge problem. The fact that they fired Ms. Canedy 30 days after they received my complain last May says a lot.
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October 3, 2019, was the deadline for the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize. In early 2018, I began for the 10th time over 50 years to try to publish all my poetry. It was a huge endeavor. In early 2019, I thought that with all the work and of 3500+ poems, that I should look at submitting this life’s work to one or more poetry contests if I was eligible. This is something I had never done. I saw no other contest worth the effort of submission for the volume of work I had except the Pulitzer Prize.
The Pulitzer rules were simple. You had to have published the work in 2019 between January 1, and October 3, 2019. There is no pathway for a poet to submit poems published between October and December and never has been. Strange. Self-publishing was within the definition of publishing but internet website publishing was not. I had uploaded all my poems on the internet beginning in 1998 with my first website, which I built. I did nothing of any significance to promote my poetry other than publishing a few handmade chaps for family and friends distribution in the 70s. There was also a Pulitzer rule that if you had published some poetry prior to 2019, you could submit it with a volume of selected, complete, or anthology of poems. So everything I could get self-published by October 3, was eligible to be submitted. The submission did have to be submitted as a hard copy (4 copies at $42 each my cost) with a $75 fee and internet application.
I had made no effort to look at what past Pulitzer Poetry winners looked like. In 1967, at the University of Houston, I took a course in 19th century American poetry. I was fascinated with the fact that Emily Dickinson had made no effort to publish a book during her lifetime. Someone after her death began to accumulate her many poems and have them published. You see this kind of thing now and then; some artist has been painting in his or her basement his or her whole life with no effort to sell or market their work. I did not write my first poem until 1970, when I was 22, the night before I reported for duty in the U S Army. I have continued to write poems since then. Right now, I have about 6000+ poems self-published with Amazon and I continue to write about 100 poems a month.
The Pulitzer dates only included 9 months. Between October 3, 2019, and December 2019, I wrote another 1000+ poems and I submitted those to Pulitzer knowing they were not eligible to be submitted for any year. But I wanted to have all of 2019 poems together at Pulitzer. After that, I forgot about the Pulitzer until May 2020, when the winners were announced.
Dr Jericho Brown won. In an effort to understand why he won, I bought his book and the two nominees' books. I was shocked to see all three had a definite format and were less than 100 pages. I was naïve when I submitted my poems, and I was shocked to find that my submission had not even been read. This has not, to date, been denied by the Pulitzer or anyone associated with the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize. Reading a 4,000 poems is a big project.
The Pulitzer Poetry Prize is determined by a closed society of elitist, exclusionary, ultra-conservative bureaucrats who have no tolerance for an outlier maverich personality, non-academic bureaucrat, like myself. I think the one thing that will shock the average person is how closed-minded the Pulitzer judges are. When I realized this, it did not surprise me they did not read my submission.
My life has been one of an independent rogue maverick anti-bureaucrat. I always believed, for the most part, except in science and technology, that true breakthroughs in society seldom come through bureaucratic herd mentalities where the rule is that “it is better for one's career to be wrong and with the herd than right and contrary to the herd”. What is about to happen is that the careers of all the administrators and board members of the Pulitzer are going to be permanently black-listed as the truth about how the winner of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize is determined.
This can be seen in the fact that the world human society is in a very great need to increase the level of the peace, but not a single university has a course curriculum in peace. In 2017, I sent hundreds of letters about this to university presidents and chancellors with no response. Why? Because increasing the peace requires change and people hate change more than anything else. Change is about the innate fear of the herd of putting anything in their life up against an unknown outcome. If any university tries to set up a Peace curriculum they will start an internal civil war among the alumni and that means lost dollars and chaos. https://johnworldpeace.com/DrJohnWorldPeaceJdTeachPeaceCurriculum.asp
The Pulitzer Poetry herd awarded the Pulitzer Poetry to a Black Flaming Gay Queen, with HIV who is head of the Creative Poetry department at Emory University and who has a career total of three 100 page poetry books in 12 years. And who since his award in 2020 has published nothing else; compared to my 4500+ poems from 1970 to 2019 and another 1100 poems for 2020 and another 300+ poems for 2021. There is no doubt in my mind that the Pulitzer Poetry Judges are not only part of an elitist, exclusionary, closed bureaucratic society but also conspire with other top submitter publishers and university professors to determine who gets the Pulitzer Poetry Prize, and probably all the other prizes.
The unwritten bias rules for a Pulitzer Poetry Prize winner are 1) Ivy League college degrees, 2) Academic career, 3) a submitter's resume of significant poetry awards, 4) avoidance of free verse, 5) an expensive art cover, 6) a handful of hired professional editors to clean up the grammar, punctuation and spelling errors, 7) a recognized publisher, 8) some kind of connection with the powers that be at Pulitzer and Columbia University. I have a strong feeling that it was communicated to Frank Bidart to submit a 750 page volume of collected poems and he would win for 2018.
I have not looked at more than the last 20 winners of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize but I will go all the way back and chart out the truth of the unspoken rules of winning the Pulitzer Poetry Prize. It does appear that my label of an "elitist, exclusionary, closed society of poets" was and is absolutely spot on with regards to the Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
What is also generally true in the negative about these winners is 1) No military service and I suspect that goes for their children. My three sons served in the Marines, 2) No business self-employment in the top careers, Insurance, accounting, tax, law, 3) no run for political office, 4) maybe with the exception of W S Merwin no efforts in the area of world religions, 5) except for W S Merwin, no Christian upbringing and focus, 6) no understanding of the American legal system, 7) No time in jail as a political activist, 8) No political science education, 9) Not much emphasis on having children, 10) certainly did not work their way through college, 11) Except with W S Merwin, no civil rights, anti-war, ecology efforts, 12) It seems like W S Merwin wrote about 5000 poems and interpreted the equivalent of another 1500 non-English poems. He died at 91. (I am up to 6000 poems and I am only 73 and writing 100 poems a month so I will equal W S Merwin's production by the end of 2021) 13) No mention of any of these poets passing a Mensa test, 14) No mention of any of these poets being a polymath 15) none of these poets wrote under the radar for 50 years totally disconnected from the world of poetry. 16) None of these poets self-published 6000 poems, all were immersed in the world of poetry. 17) For the most part, all were one trick ponies in the world of poetry. W S Merwin seems to be on my level in poetry, but outside this realm he is a nobody. 18) No lifetime commitment to increasing the level of peace in the world human society, certainly none changing their name to make their commitment public and irreversible. 19) No history of doing any kind of manual labor or even riding in a country Cadillac much less having chopped or picked cotton or engaged in other farm work, 20) Based on my social history, I would say my arrogant submission for the Pulitzer Poetry Prize is like one of these Yankee elitist walking into a deep South red neck bar or Christian Church. 21) These Pulitzer winners have nothing in common with 99.9% of the typical average blue collar working stiff American who reads on an 8th grade level. 22) Donald Trump showed these Pulitizer winners the ugly face of Americans that are living a much different reality than these elite American, Ivy League, Academic poets, 23) no significant art work.
None of these acclaimed poets are my peers. None of them have any concept of what I have accomplished with my poetry to date and if they did none have the guts to stand up and state their opinions without a poet society consensus.
The award process of the Pulitzer is not discussed publically and so the mechanism of the award is totally concealed allowing it to be as corrupt as it wants to accomplish its goals. “Pulitzer was the most skillful of newspaper publishers, a passionate crusader ... and refused to publicly debate or defend its decisions.” But as above looking at the authors bios and the construction of the prize-winning books makes a lot obvious about the decision process.
Dana Canedy was fired 35 days after I wrote my letter complaining of the corruption of Dana Canedy for throwing my submission into the trash unread. The Pulitzer was afraid of a lawsuit from WorldPeace and they needed to get Dana Canedy away from Pulitzer. It was said in so many words she got a better job as Senior Vice President and Publisher of the Simon and Schuster imprint and this year the Pulitzer has inserted Dana Canady's lackey into a Board co-chair as Dana Canedy's proxy. Aminda Marqués González, vice president and executive editor at Simon & Schuster's adult trade publishing imprint. How corrupt.
RACISM: In addition, and most important, is that although America promotes racial, national origin, religious and gender equality, America and Christians are absolutely backed by the courts' and adverse to placing Flaming Gay Queens in positions of authority over young adult males in the Boy Scout and the pedophile ridden Catholic Church.
American universities have under represented blacks and women as professors. They also have a record of paying female professors 80% of the going rate for males. And in coaching positions like Ohio State the Flaming Gay Queen Dr Richard Stauss sexually abused if not raped 200 Ohio State athletes. And there is the scumbag US Rep Jim Jordon, who was a wrestling coach at Ohio State who was told this and simply said he knew about it. “So what.” Like his scumbag buddy US Rep Matt Gaetz, they need to be removed from Congress. And then there is the college admission scandals of which I only know of 3 parents who went to jail out of hundreds of criminals who bought their children into the top colleges.
I had a best friend try to set me up with his pedophile scout leader when I was 13. So I admit that I have a personal bias about Queers (now a word adopted by the LGBTQ coalition) with power over teenage boys. But American Justice has a civil rights exception for Flaming Gay Queens in positions of authority over young men. The Pulitzer and Emory University and Colombia University who manages the Pulitzer Prize have all enabled Dr Jericho Brown in a prohibited professor position as a Flaming Gay Queen at Emory University and no doubt it is just a mater of time when that decision is going to blow up in the face of the Pulitzer and Columbia and Emory University. There will be another addition to the MeToo and BLM movements.
My bottom line position in this matter is that the Pulitzer is in a hole and still digging. I think the core reason for the second awards postponement to June 11, 2021, is grounded in the above corrupt abomination set in motion by Dana Canedy, the Pulitzer Administer for the 2020 awards. The Pulitzer is headed for a crash and burn scenario (non violently speaking). WorldPeace is going to be identified as the harbinger of that scenario. The truth is often paradoxical. The pen is mightier than the sword. Dana Canedy was absolutely the most unqualified person to try to decide what should done with my submission.
Columbia University, Emory University, and the Pulitzer Prize are all on a train to nowhere. My complaint Is going to expand significantly beyond the corruption of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize to some of the other prizes.
The most foolish of old school fools do not recognize the power of the internet and the trending cancel culture. Striking a blow against corruption does not require greedy lawyers and corrupt judges, and a house full of money to get justice.
My email campaign target is all the listings in the Poet's Market 2020 and all the state-financed and Private Racist Jesus universities. I have already begun to email both with regards to this matter and posting in my Facebook account, my web pages, my blog, my Patreon account, and other contacts like all the old school newspapers in the USA and in time all the same organizations in the English speaking nations of the world.
Here is the bottom-line reality. On October 3, 2019, I appeared on the poetry scene from nowhere. I know where I am going with my poetry. None of the elite, acknowledged poets in America have put forth an opinion. WorldPeace the wildcard Maverick verses the decorated opinionless great creative academic minds of the elitist, exclusionary, closed society of American poet elites; herd animals everyone. LMAO. With regards to me, Dr John WorldPeace JD, the great cadre of American poets don't know whether to piss their pants or go blind. It is a hell of a thing to devote your whole life to poetry and have no opinion about the most prolific, prodigious, published poet in the world, Dr John WorldPeace JD.
On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 4:33 PM
Dr John WorldPeace JD wrote:
Distribution: Bud Kliment, administrators, board members of Pulitzer
Well Well now I just found out that Copper Canyon Press is one of the tails that wags the Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
So with an Ivy League degree, an academic career, significant poetry awards, avoid free verse, and have Copper Canyon Press as your publisher and your chances of winning the Pulitzer Prize is about two in five. 3 winners and 4 nominees in 16 years.
What is wrong with this picture? I am working on it.
We are really close to Copper Canyon Press dictating the unwritten rules of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize. Even when they don't win I am going to find out if the poetry writing style the winners used is the CCP definitions or dictates.
I think 2020 may have been the last Pulitzer Poetry Prize and with Dr Brown being disqualified that would mean 2019 was the last PPP. None of which will have any value any more.
I see that a Pulitzer win translates into about 100,000 book sales at about $20 a book comes to about $2 million bucks times 6 wins comes to about $12 million. Plenty of money for Copper Canyon Press to buy off Dana Canedy to put my 4000 page submission into the trash unread.
Hey, folks what I have written in the last 22 years is not crap.
Now we have a need for the Pulitzer, Dr Jericho Brown, and Copper Canyon Press to do an analysis as to why Dr Brown's 75 poems was more significant than Dr John WorldPeace JD submission of 4000 poems.
And there is the fact that Dr WorldPeace JD has published another 2000 pages of poems from October 3, 2019, to date and Dr Brown has publish none, as in ZERO.
Like Jesus said, "what is hidden will come into the light".
There is also a secular warning. "PIgs get Fat and Hogs get slaughtered".
From: Dr John WorldPeace JD
Date: Mon, Apr 19, 2021 at 12:54 PM
Subject: About the Pulitzer Poetry Prize (1 of 3)
DISTRIBUTION: LEE BOLLINGER, PRESIDENT OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY and trustee of the Pulitzer Prize, Bud Kliment, the administrators of the Pulitzer Prize, and every member of the Pulitzer Board of Directors.
THIS IS THE INTENDED FIRST OF TWO OR MORE COMMENTARIES AND ONE YOU TUBE VIDEO TO BE DISTRIBUTED TODAY. All which will then be disseminated by email to every poetry promoting entity in America and the English speaking nations.
April 19, 2021:
Summary: In my research for the requirements of the Pulitzer Prize over the last year, last week I realized the only way for me to get the truth was to order and look at the books of the winners over the last 20 years.
On, April 16, 2021, I received in the mail “Be With” by Forrest Gander. I was astounded when I read his book and when I looked at the information on him on the Poetry Foundation and Wikipedia websites.
I have no opinion about Mr. Gander. All I know about him is what I have read in the last few days.
What was most interesting to me and totally relevant to my growing contempt for the Pulitzer Poetry Prize was a comparison of my life and Mr. Ganders. He certainly has lived a worthy life but in no way as intense and accomplished as mine.
(If I don’t relate parallels between my life and Mr. Gander’s, it is because I just have not seen his information in what I have read.)
1) I was born in 1948 and Mr. Gander was born in 1956.
My mother was born in 1927, in Houston, Texas, to a barely getting by financially mother and father. My mother graduated HS a year early, 1944, went to work at a clerical job and gave all her money to her parents. My father was born in El Campo, Texas on a hardscrabble cotton farm, 90 miles west of Houston. He graduated from HS at 16 and got on his 8-spoke bicycle and headed for Houston. He was picked up by a friend in Wharton, about 25 miles out of Houston. He moved in with his mother’s sister across the street and about 4 houses down from my mother.
My grandmothers graduated from HS. Both my grandfather’s only went to the 3rd grade. I never saw my parents read a book when I was a kid. They did not push me in school. My mother was a good student my father was taught in a one-room schoolhouse and would get totally stressed when he had to take a test. He only began to get interested in books when he began flying racing pigeons when he was about 60.
When I was in the second grade, my teacher called my mother in to tell her I was stupid or retarded. My mother threw a fit, knowing that was nonsense. I ended up in summer school every year except 11th and 12th grade and by my own choice every summer through 10 years of college and 3 degrees. BA Political Science ‘70, BS in Accountancy ‘76, Doctor of Jurisprudence ‘84. All from the University of Houston. I worked full time through all 10 years and had 4 children for the last two degrees 1977 to 1984.
I was a C student from 1st grade through all 10 years of college. Why? Because I was bored the whole time. Had I known I could skip grades if I worked at it, I would have graduated HS at 14 or 15. If I had been born about 25 years later, I would have home schooled on a computer and graduated at 10 or 11. My IQ per Mensa and Intertel is in the top 1%. I never was interested in a big word vocabulary because my family did not know any big words and I did not want to talk above them. So, I was unable to work about 5 logic problems on the Mensa Test that compared words and lowered my score. I should have taken Latin instead of Spanish and German in HS and College. The right and left hemispheres of my brain are equally and significantly developed.
I am a polymath in the areas of science and math, insurance, accounting, law and internet and web design, country living, sailing, horses, politics, religion, spirituality, sociology, peace and WorldPeace, war (Civil War and Nazi Germany and why they happened.) Art, poetry, outdoors, biking, motorcycling, hiking.
I view Mr Gander, a one-trick pony, with a side interest in art. I acknowledge that there are many people that know one category of things far more extensively than me.
I have oil painted pictures since 7th grade, and I have been writing poems since I was 22. In the 7th grade I determined that I would not paint couch art but paint out of my head not knowing what that meant. It was 1984, when I finished my university degrees before I could seriously paint. It freaked out my first wife and the mother of my 4 children and was a factor in her demand for a divorce. She did not tell me until long after we were married that there was some mental illness in her father’s family; her great uncle and her uncle, and I can see it in all my children. They are fully functional but they have no ability to think abstractly and therefore think I am the one who is mentally ill; normal people do not paint art and write poetry is their mindset along with their mother.
One day when I was about 14, I was working on a painting in our garage when my mother came by and said she liked what I was doing. I was irritated and borderline angry. I told her it did not matter to me what she thought. It only mattered what I thought and I asked her not to make any more comments. I have no I idea why I confronted her. I was sorry I was not nice, but I never told her that. I had a very good relationship with my parents until I started college.
All accolades remind me of this incident.
My father hated Blacks and Hispanics, people who bought Fords, Democrats, and people who had college educations. He was a stellar father and the envy of all my friends but as he got older his behavior became even more outrageous in part due to his choosing a companion at 60 who was low rent West Virginia White trash and stoked his racism. My mother had none of those prejudices. Both my parents were very smart and street smart but uneducated beyond HS. They were very conservative. They had no interest in knowledge that had no practical value. My father constantly harassed me about reading books about Hitler; that crazy SOB. My mother thought Hitler was still alive and listening. It was common thinking in my neighborhood. I told my father I needed to understand how a sick man could take control over a country. I read a lot but did not understand until Trump was elected. Then all the pieces came together.
I saw nothing about Mr Gander’s parents in what I read.
2) I have written poems for 52 years and never entered any contests except the Pulitzer; which I did only because I was going to finish self-publishing all my poetry about the time of the 2020 deadline in October 2019. I never submitted any poems to any magazines or contests and never associated with poets or even read much poetry or anything about poetry.
I did the same with my art. I just did the art and moved on with my life. My art is well received, but it is not marketable because it does not fit into any recognized marketable genre. It goes into the very large catch-all category of visionary/outsider art.
Mr Gander has worked hard, it appears, to be recognized, and he has been well recognized in poetry.
3) I have been in two 19 year relationships with women who were workhorses with no desire to participate in decisions about much of anything. They were women of the ’50s taught that the husband makes all the decisions. I considered both father-in-laws to be abusive. Both my grandmothers and mother worked outside the home.
Mr Gander was married to a poet and now has an artist companion. I cant even relate to what it would be like living with someone who did not think that I was just strange much less one who actually was interested in my art or poetry much less had any degree of understanding in those areas. So I wrote poems and put them in a binder and forgot about them and I painted my art and rolled up the canvases and put them away.
4) When I read Mr. Gander's book today, “Be With”, I thought I was reading my poetry. His poetry is not as spiritual as mine and does not have a Zen, Haiku or Koan twist like my poems do.
Remember that my 4000 page poem submission to Pulitzer was never read by anyone at Pulitzer. https://drjohnworldpeacejdpoetry.com Nor did they read my flagship website at https://johnworldpeace.com with about 15,000 pages. I am the most open person you know.
Mr Gander had two kinds of poems in “Be with”. Short free verse poems and what I call one-line poems which I began writing in 1995. My free verse poems have no punctuation and neither does his in “Be With”. His poems are spread out on the page. My poems use horizontal and vertical line spacing for punctuation. He does not spread out his poems as much as I do. I do not do craziness word placement on the page like E E Cummings. I stepped back from that the same way I stepped back from Abstract Expressionism Art. Both were the outer limits of art and poetry.
In 2019, I published two books of one-line poems that I called A Thousand Petal Zen Lotus and A Second Thousand Petal Zen Lotus. In 1995, I ran out of inspiration at 550 one-line poems. I did not find that energy again until 2019 and wrote another 1500 poems. But I was still not happy with the format. In January 2021, I saw some things about the 100 year evolution of Haiku 575 in the US and how it was developing. Then I understood that I my one-line poems were best defined as free verse Haiku. I then took my Second Thousand Petal Zen Lotus and took out about 325 one-line poems (petals) that were too long and put them in a separate book as free verse and to date I have written about 230 replacements. I am about 90 petals short of finishing the revised second volume. Then I will start a 3rd.
I don’t think Mr Gander knows that he was writing one-line poems as a genre. I read poems looking for one-line poems or unique poetry phrases contained in them. When I find one of these phrases or lines, I tweak and expand it and put it in my book of free verse Haiku (petals). There are a lot of average poets on the internet poetry sites who write these kinds of phrases. To me, these lines are the heart of a poem even if they are not really related to the overall poem. You do not find these kinds of phrases in the Pulitzer Poetry winners.
My free verse poems and petals (one-liners) are more hard-edged and Mr Gander’s are mushier. Not saying one is better. We just write differently. But we are in the same mold.
I never write unless I am inspired. It takes 2-6 minutes to write the poem. I put it into a binder and 5 minutes later, I would have a hard time telling you what I wrote, except just very generally. A few hours later, out of 10 poems, I may vaguely remember one. I have learned over 50 years how to turn on the inspiration.
I do not write footed poems because they feel mechanical to me. Sort of like taking a beautiful 10” glass sphere and forcing it into an 8” cube box. Glass is not flexible. And neither are my poems flexible to being man handled. Change a word or two and my poems collapse.
I don’t know how Mr Gander writes. I always write in cursive. There are examples on my website of the originals and you will see virtually no editing. Over the last 4 years, I have made a habit of going back over the poems with a red pen to make legible the scribbled words. I began to do this because after a few decades I was unable to read some words I wrote. But I only change a word in 1 in 60 poems on the average. I channel poems. I don’t write them.
The way I wrote the first poem in 1970, is the way I write now. I have worked to make the poems more dynamic over the years. But my genre has not changed. I write other genres now and then but not very often.
From the above, you can see I have worked my poetry for 50 years. But I did so without the influence of colleagues, or other sources. The point is that it is not just academics who massage their craft.
5) AT some point, Mr Gander decided he would start translating poems. No way he does not tweak them in this process whether he tries to or not.
I rewrite religious text but I don’t translate it. 1993-96 I rewrote: The Bhavagad Gita, the Dammapada, the Tao te Ching, The Analects of Confucius. I rearragned the Koran into peaceful, unpeaceful and neutral verses but did not change them much. There are not that many peaceful verses. All this was done on my own with no outside conversations.
I worked on the Tibetan Book of the Dead for a long time but decided it could not be rewritten. It was perfect as written. Later I rewrote the Book of Job and he Gospel of Thomas. The Books of Moses are history and not poetry. The Psalms are OK as is. The Mormon text are too far out. The Bahi Books cannot be rewritten. I also rewrote the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali. Zen is the no religion religion; total spirituality but boxed in and ruined with its bureaucratic religion aspect for money. I think the Tao says those who know don’t speak. Well Zen speaks. An in speaking wraps its spirituality in a choking religious box. Makes me laugh.
So I rewrote as many if not more sacred texts than Mr Gander interpreted not English poetry. He side-lined his free verse and stopped developing it. I have never stopped developing my poetry. I stayed on point, he drifted off.
This year, 2021, I published most of the Sacred text as poetry.
6) With regards to Christianity, I took the first 4 gospels and the gospel of Thomas and combined them to eliminate the repetition. I did the narrative of Jesus’ birth to age 12 and from betrayal to crucifixion in chronological order. The miracles, healings, parables I grouped together. I call it the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am in the process of rewriting it as an Epic poem. I hope to finish this summer.
I kept writing and evolving my free verse and pulled ahead of Mr Gander. I have translated more lines of sacred text than he has translated lines of not English poems. And I did not backseat my free verse poems to work on the sacred texts.
The Pulitzer Poetry judges or those in power did not read my submission so they picked of nothing of the above. They saw a 4000 page submission by a guy named WorldPeace and pissed their pants, threw my books in the trash and ran to their mothers for a sugar tit.
7) When I was 8, someone told me I was going to die. I said WT… Why would I come to a place where I was going to die. I put away my toys and went searching for the reason people die in this dreamscape.
I began to write a book with my observations about death, 2 years ago based on just the red-letter words of Jesus that answers the “Why Die” question. It is called The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity. And it is focused on the end of Corporate Christianity and the beginning Spiritual Jesus teachings: sans bureaucratic religion.
My book finishes what Martin Luther left undone. The burning of Notre Dame between Palm Sunday and Easter 2019 was the end of the Age of Pisces. I have sent out hundreds of thousands of 20-page emails to Evangelical and Fundamental Christians with a list of about 20 issues and my take on them. (Abortion: cant have abortion bills without companion welfare bills to support the unwanted children. Jesus said his kingdom was not of this earth, but the Book of Revelation says he will establish a throne on earth. Jesus said he would always be with us but The Book of Revelation says he is coming back. etc) This book is not me just rewriting it, it is me taking a position in order to increase the level of peace in the world human society. That said, I have no followers, church, members etc and will not have. I have lived a minimalist life for about 14 years and a celibate life for about six after 5 committed relationships over 45 years. I have no assets, house, property, stocks, bonds, car, etc. I live in Albuquerque, NM a big small town. Prior to ABQ, I lived in Houston for 64 years.
Mr Gander has no equivalent publication to my reformation of Christianity. Cetainly nothing that challenges the core beliefs of 2 billion Christians. I have about 8 books on Christianity. https://kingofkingslordoflords.com. My mother insisted we go to church and Sunday school, Presbyterian, 50 Sundays a year.
8) Mr Gander has written some books.
I have written:
1) A seminal religious-political novel that is about 1200 pages and needs another 150 to finish.
2) A 350-page sci-fi novel about AI and robotics reaching a point where a soul will incarnate into it. And some other similar issues.
3) A 200 page bio of St. Francis.
4) 555 page Prison Journal about being a political prisoner in 2008.
5) An autobiography 1948 to 2008
So what is the point of the above.
1) I am more accomplished, more driven, more experienced, more passionate than Mr. Gander.
2) I have overall written more than Mr. Gander and lived a more intense dynamic life.
So on production, if he received a Pulitzer Poetry Prize, I should have received one in 2020 for submitting 40 times the volume.
Now why did I not win in 2020? FIRST AND FOREMOST, MY SUBMISSION WAS NEVER READ. No denial from Pulitzer about this.
1) I did not go to an Ivy League College, 2) I am not a University Professor and never was, 3) I never marketed or promoted my poems, 4) I never sought out any accolades, 5) I only wrote free verse and some Haiku 575 (structure 5-7-5 syllables on 3 lines).
Mr. Gander did not go to an Ivy League College either. But he did in spades 2, 3, 4. I think he is the only free verse Pulitzer Poetry winner.
I did not win in 2020 because I am not part of the academic poetry system and never sought out any at-a-boys. The Pulitzer not reading my submission is about the Pulitzer being an impediment to increasing the level of peace in the world human society. I am writing about the Pulitzer Poetry Prize to make their unwritten rules known. The Pulitzer has gone down the path of an elitist, exclusionary, closed society and into increasing darkness.
My primary focus is my WorldPeace Advocacy and everything I do is connected to that. I am the only global Advocate for Peace and I have no peers in that work. I am the only Advocate for Jesus Christ and I have no peers in this work either. In this pandemic, not a single preacher has come forward with a message from God. None have challenged me on what I am saying. They do attack me personally. I only quote the red-letter words of Jesus, which is the highest Christian authority. So what are they going to challenge my commentary with?
I spread one basic global message from Jesus.
Jesus said: “Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter. If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you. If you believe in me you will do the things I do and greater things will you do.” What does this mean? It means this reality is pliable and the future is not set in stone like it says in the Book of Revelation. It means we write our own script individually, in groups, in religion, in government.
The life we are each living, is a product of all the decisions we have made since birth. We are living the script we wrote.
How can we increase the level of peace in the world human society if we do not include everyone (all races, all religions, all nationalities, all genders) in our vision of peace? We cannot. A White pace will not not manifest WorldPeace. An American peace will not manifest WorldPeace. A Christian peace will not manifest WorldPeace. A male peace will not manifest WorldPeace.
Hebrews 8: 10-12 New Testament Jeremiah 31: 33-34 Old Testament: God has put his laws in our hearts and minds and NO ONE NEEDS TO TEACH ANYONE. Study, Pray and Meditate. All preachers are false. If you follow them, you both fall into a ditch.
The Pandemic is on a short hold. But it is building momentum. There have only been about 300 million infections out of 7.8 billion human beings. The world human society and its nation’s still live in denial about Covid-19. The world human society is burning down the Garden of Eden. We have 30 years. We have to make dramatic changes now or it is all over in 2048. We will have reached the point of no return.
Only the blind cannot see what is happening. Only a blind person cannot see the hand of God in the pandemic. Generally the Book of Revelation is playing out but not the way it was written up. False preachers teach the false Book of Revelation.
Let those who have eyes and ears see and hear.
In 2017, in response to the fact that there is no university curriculum to Teach Peace in any university in the world, I began to write university presidents and chancellors exploring the idea of allowing me to set up a Department of Peace and begin to craft a curriculum to propagate into all universities in the world human society. No response. https://johnworldpeace.com/DrJohnWorldPeaceJdTeachPeaceCurriculum.asp
On October 2, 2017, I sent a letter to President Lee Bollinger, Columbia University. The same Lee Bollinger who is at the top of the Pulitzer Prize Administration. He did not respond. He is an impediment to increasing the level of peace in the world human society.
He has allowed a cancer to grow in the Pulitzer Poetry Prize which I am certain has manifested in the other prizes. He has used his office to block the Teaching of Peace in the universities of the world human society. He is presiding over a university that subordinates women in number and in equal pay and further blocks increasing the level of peace in the world human society.
There are five entities charged with maintaining and increasing the peace in the world human society. Governments, Justice Systems, Religions, Universities and Global Corporations. I have education and experience in all of these. I have been the only global advocate for Peace and WorldPeace since I changed my name in April 1988. I have no peers. No one in the world human society has traveled my path. I have no peers.
I am using the Pulitzer Poetry Prize as a bootstrap to promote my WorldPeace Advocacy in case you did not pick up on that. The logic should be obvious.
This is the reality of Columbia University. This is its reality of it allowing the cancer in the Pulitzer Prize to fester and allow the world human society to go unschooled in the necessity to Teach Peace. A world that is on fire in many ways and a global university system that is supposed to lead in increasing the peace is sitting on the sidelines.
There is no one in the Columbia University system or in the Pulitzer Prize entity that is on my level. No one in either system is my peer. That is the reality.
“The stone that the builders reject is the cornerstone of the end of the Baby Boomers apathy and the foundation of the Age of the Children of the Third Millennium.
My name is WorldPeace. The most obvious is the most hidden.
Distribution: Bud Kliment, administrators, board members of Pulitzer: Copper Canyon Press
Well Well now I just found out that Copper Canyon Press is one of the tails that wags the Pulitzer Poetry Prize.
So with an Ivy League degree, an academic career, significant poetry awards, avoid free verse, and have Copper Canyon Press as your publisher and your chances of winning the Pulitzer Prize is about two in five. 7 winners or nominees in 16 years.
What is wrong with this picture? I am working on it.
We are really close to Copper Canyon Press dictating the unwritten rules of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize. Even when they don't win I am going to find out if the poetry writing style the winners used is the CCP definitions or dictates.
I think 2020 may have been the last Pulitzer Poetry Prize and with Dr Brown being disqualified that would mean 2019 was the last PPP. None of which will have any value any more.
I see that a Pulitzer win translates into about 100,000 book sales at about $20 a book comes to about $2 million bucks times 6 wins comes to about $12 million. Plenty of money for Copper Canyon Press to buy off Dana Canedy to put my 4000 page submission into the trash unread.
Hey, folks what I have written in the last 22 years is not crap.
Now we have a need for the Pulitzer, Dr Jericho Brown, and Copper Canyon Press to do an analysis as to why Dr Brown's 75 poems was more significant than Dr John WorldPeace JD submission of 4000 poems.
And there is the fact that Dr WorldPeace JD has published another 2000 pages of poems from October 3, 2019, to date and Dr Brown has publish none, as in ZERO.
Like Jesus said, "what is hidden will come into the light".
There is also a secular warning. "PIgs get Fat and Hogs get slaughtered".
To: The Board of Directors
March 15, 2021
I have not been corresponding to you because I had to stay with my 4 years project of helping to remove Trump from. The impeachment trial verdict freed me to return to this project to put an end to the Pulitzer Poetry Prize and get rid of as many Board members as possible in the process.
You have made no effort to communicate with me since my first letter on June 10, 2020, which I am sure ha been your legal advice. Not to communicate with me is a mistake and will remain evidence of a bad and arrogant attitude.
I have done a lot of research over the last 9 months in many aspects of poetry. I am absolutely certain that I can shut down the Pulitzer Poetry Prize or just end anyone’s interest in participating or having anything to do with the prize. If you don’t resolve this, you can be assured that I am going to create an ongoing campaign to boycott the Pulitzer project that will last beyond the tenure of each and all the board members. Your successors will wonder why you did not resolve this matter. Especially since you are in the wrong,
So let me begin.
In everything I write, I have much more to say than I ever say. I can write a lot of poetry because I hear so many nuanced peripheral responsive messages to the primary theme of my correspondence. I tend to let things roll around inside my head for days or a week, and then when I begin to write it all just comes together. It is not a conscious method. I just think about all aspects of what I am talking about and then let my subconscious mix it, and when I feel right, I write.
I have been processing this correspondence for almost a year. It began when the 2020 prizes were announced in May 2020. I have written some correspondence to you which are more my processing the situation as opposed to definitive comments.
Let me be clear about something that should already be clear: none of you are in my league on much of anything. I have no peers globally. There are many people who have devoted the majority of their lives to some career path but few have been able to do much of value outside their chosen path. So for me just about everyone is a one trick pony with varying degrees of understanding above the average person with regards to their career pony.
My career path since I was 8 years old and even before I was born was about why there was not a greater degree of peace in the world human society. The 3 primary reasons relate to government, religions, and the Law. The second tier of three is about education, corporations, and economics. Within these areas, you will find the greatest impediments to increasing the level of peace in the world human society. Consider this, in all 6 tiers, there exists as a subordination of women and secondly, people of color.
I am in your face for several reasons. 1) You people are a severe impediment to increasing the level of peace in the world human society. 2) You have determined that a certain kind of poetry is king, and that is not true. 3) You have an unwritten definition of what kind of poetry will win the prize. You are frauds in not publishing those unwritten rules. 4) You are criminals in that you take a poet’s money for his or her submission, which you know on its face will never win because it is outside the secret parameters for winning. If the poet knew these rules, he or she would never submit their work. 5) Your corruption as an impediment to the level of peace in the world human society is the main reason I am coming at you. It is my global perspective on everything.
From an average person I know, I was given the perfect word to describe why I have so many problems with people. This woman and her husband have a business of doing very high-resolution photography of art. What they do makes my art scalable to the sides of buildings.
I took some art to them, and then I pulled out the 7 volumes (5000+ pages) of poems that I have written and put them on the counter. The wife blurted out, “That is intimidating.” And there it was. The perfect word to describe all of you is Intimidated. I have written more poems than Whitman, Kipling, Dickinson, Cummings, and Sandburg in their combined careers. And you have no idea how to process what I have written. Not to mention that compared to me, you are all lazy and not much accomplished. (You discounted me last year, you set the tone of all future communications.)
People can be divided into two groups: those who are creative, and those who are mechanics. Mechanics can build what the creators dream up. But the mechanics cannot create globally. Mechanics are driven by money. Creators are driven by the demands of their souls. Extreme creators find moronic work debilitating. They, for the most part, cannot function in a typical herd job. Even if the herd is a couple dozen chosen Pulitzer Board Members.
I can do both right and left brain tasks; business and art, poetry and spirituality are both easy for me to get into sync with.
None of the board members are creators. You are all mechanics. Probably straight A students and you were chosen to be a member of the board because all straight A students are ultra conservatives who can be depended on to follow the rules and not try to reinvent the wheel. You cannot tap into the upper levels of creativity and so you emphasize poetry that is mechanical. Creators emphasize the message of poetry and the mechanics emphasize the structure. Creators like to create with water, Mechanics like to create with Legos.
Mechanics have no possible way to evaluate creative art and poetry. So they fall back on structures. In poetry, they are all jingle people. They do best with commercial jingles with very short sound bytes.
When you jingle men and women, see what I have created, and the massive production that was always a part-time endeavor for me, almost a hobby to me, you are just overwhelmed and INTIMIDATED and can’t decide whether to go to the bathroom or go blind.
In the course of this confrontation with you, I asked Dr Jericho, a PhD, and professor of poetry at Emory University, to explain why his 75 poems won the 2020 Poetry prize over my 4000+ poems. No response because he was overwhelmed and INTIMIDATED by my submission. My Texas upbringing would therefore define him as not knowing Jack Shit about poetry. I, on the other hand, do know Jack Shit and beyond.
Let me tell you one reason that Dr Jericho is a mechanical jingle man. True poetry is metaphysical and spiritual. Both Dr Jericho and I changed our birth names. I chose to be WorldPeace a focus on uplifting the world human society. He chose a doom name. You know from the Bible that Jericho was destroyed. He chose a name that was focused on failure. Every day over and over, he is reminded that he is a failure headed for doom in his career and probably life due to his daily focus on his destructive name choice. He probably got that name from some Black gay man he thought he was in love with.
I am not prejudiced against gays but I am against gays being put into positions of authority like a college professor, or priest, or boy scout leader. Dr Jericho is in a job with a target-rich environment of 17 and 18 year old naïve males. Both Emory University and the Pulitzer have significantly enabled Dr Jericho. Society does not condone these positions for flaming queens. The Catholic church is on the run and the Boy Scouts have been bankrupted. This is the same Catholic church and universities that subordinate women worldwide. Just saying.
In my case there are people who hate my guts, but they have to refer to me as WorldPeace, which is an uplifting concept. Now most mechanics will never connect with this thought. Way too metaphysical. You know, way too Jesus metaphysical radical liberal. And all Republicans demean all radical liberals except on Sunday morning when they pay lip service to the most radical liberal who ever lived. Do you think Republicans know that they are conservatives and Jesus is radical liberal?
Jesus said: “Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you. If you believe in me, you will do the works I do and greater works will you do.”
What does this mean? It means the future is pliable and we write our own scripts in life. Dr Jericho wrote a doom and gloom script for his life and I wrote an unlimited uplifting life script. Dr Jericho does not get it. His poetry is without much redeeming social value and with plenty of hedonists negative spiritual degradation.
Dr Jericho is a hedonist whose life quest is for the perfect black cock and true love. And the Pulitzer applauds that mindset even as the world human society is in great darkness not just with Covid-19 but also with, you know, with burning down the Garden of Eden with fossil fuels, divisiveness, racism, money worship, etc.
The board is like Christians who say proudly they were saved by Jesus when they are in church. But on Monday morning, they viciously attack Jesus by spewing all kinds of negativity about radical liberals. Hey, Jesus was the most radical liberal who has ever lived. These mechanics, like most mechanics, do not have a coordinated philosophy or cosmology.
From 1970 to date, I focused on writing poetry. I have written more poetry than the combined poems of Whitman, Kipling, Dickinson, Sandburg, and Cummings in their careers. I never had time to study poetry, submit my works for publication or enter a corrupt rigged poetry contest. In June 2018, I began to self-publish all my poetry. It took almost two years. During the process, I looked into the Pulitzer Poetry prize and decided since it would be no extra effort above publishing my poetry, I would enter my life’s work.
In 1990, I took all my poetry and categorized and analyzed it to try to understand what I was doing. I felt I was in a rut. I learned much and did not want to continue on the poetic path I was on. It took until 2007 before I began to write again. I had shaken off the routine I fell into from 1970 to 1990.
After publishing and editing 50 years of my poetry, I completely understood what I was doing and I now write and publish about 120 poems a month since October 2019. I don’t write to break some record, I own the records for most published poetry, I write because I am continuously inspired by just about everything.
I do not write poetry. I channel it. You have heard about singers who are driving down a road and all of a sudden, a song idea comes to them. They stop and work on the inspiration until they have a song, And generally they say it only took 5-10 minutes. I do the same thing. I am 72. I am inspired by just about everything, interest in everything that is not negative or vulgar. I cannot teach what I do. If I were to teach writing poetry, I would really instead be teaching prayer and meditation regarding spirituality and the poetry would naturally flow. The Pulitzer Poetry judges are intimidated by what I do. Structuring poetry destroys poetry. You cannot make love in a straight jacket.
My theory of poetry is grounded in Zen Koans, Zen stories, and Haiku. Zen is all spiritual with a logical, linear base. I laugh because Zen is the most spiritual religion, almost a no religion religion, but it has not been able to avoid the necessity of a religious bureaucracy to maintain the teachings and the community. In any religion, when the corporate bureaucracy’s needs conflict with the teachings of the master, the teachings of the master are skewed to preserve the bureaucracy.
Poetry is spiritual and is, therefore the language of the Third Millennium. The controlling force of the world human society is spiritual energy. I am not equating spiritual energy with good energy. I am saying that the infinite immortal spiritual energy resides in a finite mortal body. That does not necessarily have to be human; What is infinite and immortal rules over what is finite and mortal.
When one begins to think in terms that the finite mortal human body controls the infinite immortal spirit, then the human being becomes confused in believing that the tangible finite mortal earth is the true reality and the infinite immortal spirituality of everything is the dream. Actually, both the spiritual reality and the earth reality are both dreamscapes. The earth dreamscape is just more tangible and intense.
Souls incarnate into tangible bodies in order to experience a more intense reality. Sex is much more powerful in a human body than its equivalent is in the spiritual dreamscape.
Again: Jesus said: “Ask and receive, seek and find, knock and enter. If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Nothing will be impossible for you. If you believe in me, you will do the works I do and greater works will you do.”
This means that everything is pliable and what we experience is what we project that we will experience. The soul controls the body. In death, the body turns to dust and recycled and the soul returns to God who created it. Think about this for a minute and you will see how screwed up Christians are in regards to abortion.
The purpose of poetry is to moment to moment remind human beings that they are living a dual existence of the all encompassing, all permeating God and the finite more tangible more intense earth dreamscape. Through poetry, we are not allowed to forget that we exist in this dual reality. If we forget this, then we become attached to the earth dreamscape and become lost. All religions caution again becoming attached to anything in the earth dreamscape. Brutally, the richest man on earth at death enters heaven naked. Nothing goes with the spirit from earth to heaven (or hell) except the actions of that soul while in the earth dreamscape.
Poetry, therefore, has a critical role in increasing the level of peace in the world human society.
My poems are channeled from the spiritual dreamscape. They are not mined from the earth dreamscape. Mechanical poems are about experiencing the earth dreamscape. They are about attachment.
I have one cosmology but many messages from that cosmology. Many poems reminding people that the earth dreamscape is not real, has an end date, and if you become attached to anything in this earth dreamscape you are lost and you will suffer the consequences of wrong thinking with regards to a peaceful experience in all dreamscapes spiritual or earthly.
My poems are about life, all aspects of life. I have an autobiography in prose,. My poems could be considered as the emotional side of my logical linear prose autobiography.
Since my poems are all grounded in spirituality, they contain what many call secret knowledge. Secret knowledge is an understanding that we live in this dual earthly and spiritual reality. My poems are about things that all humans experience in this earth dreamscape. My poems are a constant reminder not to get attached in the earthly dreamscape. My poems are about shaking one’s beliefs.
It impossible to stay free in a religion. Religion is the husk of spirituality. Religion is corporate. Religion is a jailer. All preachers are false prophets.
Jeremiah 31: 33-34 in the Old Testament and Hebrews 8: 10-12 in the New Testament say that God his written his laws and truth on our hearts and minds. That all we have to do to find God is to pray, meditate and study and no human being needs a teacher. In truth, to follow anyone is to become lost. To follow someone will cause you to abandon your truth and get lost in someone else’s truth as Jesus said, when the blind lead the blind both fall into the ditch. The blind are followers who seek their truth in someone else’s mind and heart. The blind are also those who think their truth is the truth of everyone; how ridiculous. The solution, if you meet the Buddha on the road, run away because he or she is carrying his shackles ready to enslave you. When you follow anyone, you go into darkness.
My poetry is about staying free. Every poem is about staying free. Every poem is grounded in a way to cope with life. Do not follow me. Listen to me as you would listen to anyone. Then meditate on it. Ask yourself if you agree with me. But I have no church or organization, I am no messiah, guru, master. I refuse to take responsibility for your life in any aspect. I am just talking. I carry no shackles with me nor do I own any.
I am interested in what others have to say about anything and everything. Those comments allow me to constantly check the validity of my cosmology. Those comment from others, even fools and knaves, help me to stay awake and live a peaceful life.
What I write is an aspect of the secret knowledge of peace and happiness in this dreamscape and all others. I write so much because I am always evaluating everything. There are few things that do not interest me.
The Pulitzer Poetry Prize must consider the history of a winner. If not, they would gladly hand over the prize to Adolph Hitler. The world human society has so many problems right now the way through the maze seems impossible. There are no global leaders today with an all-inclusive mindset. Every single acknowledged peace advocate focused on certain problems. None spoke to the entire scope of a declining world human society. I am the world’s first global peace advocate. I have asked the question for my entire life as to why there is not a greater level of peace in the world human society. And I have written volumes about what I have found.
I am not a college professor hiding out in a sterile world of education. I have been engaged in every aspect of life in the world dreamscape. I have been married, worked for others, worked for myself. I have gone to church and written a dozen books about world religions. I have served in the military. I am a father. My parents lived 86 years, and I was there for them. I have run for political office. I have been illegally jailed as a peace advocate in 2008. I have written 85 books. I have written over 5000 poems, I have written more poems than Whitman, Dickinson, Cummings, Kipling and Sandburg combined. I have come within minutes of dying in 1997 and 2016. I started working at 14 and am still working at 73 and do not intend to retire and never did.
I have lived a normal life in every way but a more accomplished life than the average person. I worked full time and went to college full time from 1966 to 1970. I did not borrow any money for school. Don’t cry baby around me and say it cannot be done. Due to my service in the U S Army they paid for my Accounting degree and Law degree from 1976 to 1984 during which time I worked full time and raised 4 children with their mother who abandoned them in 1987. I found a loving woman with 2 children and we finished our obligation to those children. My three sons served in the Marine Corp in the 1990’s.
I was born and raised in a racist Houston, Texas. But none of my children are alcoholics, drug or pot smokers, and I have never heard any of them say “nigger” ever. As evil as their mother is, I never heard her use that word either.
As an accountant, insurance salesman, tax advisor, lawyer and web designer for small businessmen, I have vicariously learned much about living in America. I have my personal experience and I have vicarious experiences of my clients. I have not lived under a rock. I have been fully engaged in life all my life.
I am a Global Advocate for WorldPeace and I changed my name in 1988, as a commitment to that advocacy. What can I say about increasing the peace in the world human society? I can affirm that human beings hate peace and they moreso hate those who advocate it. Why? Because increasing the peace means change and if there is anything humans hate, it is change.
I am the only Advocate for Jesus Christ. But I am not a corporate Christian or corporate religionist of any stripe. I believe in God but not any corporate church. All preachers are false, especially those who advocate Donald Trump for anything and preach the doom and gloom false book of Revelation with its set in stone future. Jesus said in his red-letter words that the future is pliable and will be what we project it to be. The book of Revelation says, and false preachers preach, the future is set in a doom and gloom future and end of the world which God said would not happen. Jesus said over and over that his kingdom is not of this earth and the book of Revelation says he will become the final ultimate king of the world. False Christians demand that fetuses be allowed to mature into babies and absolutely refuse to adopt or support these children they insisted be born.
Republican Christians go to church on Sunday and worship the most radical liberal human who ever walked the earth with his message of “love one another”. Then on Monday morning and for the rest of the week, these false Christians take up the negative mantras spewed by Donald Trump to hate the radical liberals in society. How stupid. How typically human. I have written a book about a lifetime of study and experience titled “The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity” that speaks of many stupid Christians’ stupid irrational, illogical beliefs.
In 33 years, not a single copy of my book, The Book of Peace, has sold. And you wonder why there is so much hatred in America.
Racism will be tolerated but never go away. Homo Sapiens are the only species of 50 species of hominins that once lived on the earth, The Neanderthals being the last. The mindset of homo sapiens out of Africa 250,000 years ago is one of a homogenous society. Now that there is only one species of humans left, homo sapiens, those homo sapiens have begun to focus on people of color, non-whites, muddy people, with Donald Trump leading the attack. They are in the second phase of creating a homogenous world human society.
Women are second-class citizens globally. Undeniable. This is the greatest impediment to increasing the level of peace in the world human society. Racism is the second greatest impediment. Why any woman or any person of color would vote Republican in American is a gigantic mystery. At the top of the Catholic Church, an enabler of pedophiles, there is not one single woman in power, Same same in Islam, Judaism, Mormons, Bahai’s. Why do women support religions that tell them they are sub-humans? Another one of the great mysteries.
These are some of the issues I have studied and dealt with and proposed solutions to in my life. Yet, beyond being the most published poet in America and the most published English language poet in the world, the Pulitizer Poetry Prize is awarded to a Black man who is a one trick pony in his pursuit to the perfect Black cock, Black Ass, Black lover in the world human society.
So what is wrong with this picture? What is going on with the Pulitzer Prize? How can anyone give any respect to a prize that is so incredibly corrupt?
In regards to poetry, I have reinterpreted most of the sacred books of the world’s sacred religions. It took me 3 years from 1993 to 1996. And last year I published most of those books as poetry, Why? Because they are poetry. So to the thousands of poems I have written you have to add about 2000 plus poems I edited that are the Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Analects of Confucius, The Tao, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali under the title Eastern Religion as Poetry. And then ad the Book of Job and the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas.
Do you think there is any poet that ever lived that is my peer? And I am still writing over a 100 poems a month since my submission in October 2019 to the Pulitzer Poetry Prize. Dr Jericho Brown as of May 2020 had written about 240 poems in 12 years and to my knowledge, has written no more since. Two of the books are black gay-oriented.
A few months ago I disconnected from my high school classmates. The connection was never much any way other than a handful of friends. These are typical Baby Boomers, many draft dodgers, the vast majority of who are Baby Boomers who have become their parents and allowed the earth to degenerate and be plundered for money and who are leaving their grandchildren a desert planet as they tell them how much they love them. What a farce. Those grandchildren, when they grow up will no doubt make a determined effort to return to the graves of those loving? grandparents and spit of their graves. Of this, I have no doubt.
And the 2020 poster boy of the Pulitzer Poetry Prize is Dr Black Brown and his travails for his hedonist life as a Black Queen. Don’t show your ignorance and call me a racist. This conversation is about the Pulitzer Prize. No doubt the Pulitzer Prize has been underrepresented by Blacks over its 100 year history. But get this, ANY BLACK WILL NOT DO.
I have written extensively about Jesus. The words of Jesus are parables and poetry as well.
Starting tomorrow, I will be emailing every body who is any body in the world of poetry with the web address of this website, and my website JohnWorldPeace,com and the address of my website DrJohnWorldPeaceJDPoetry and my website The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity and my reorganization of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John titled The Gospel of Jesus and before the summer is out I will finish another iteration of this book as The Life of Jesus Christ: An Epic Poem that will be about 200 pages. This book like several others is being published on Amazon as I write it. Consider in these times of isolation my book: Dr John WorldPeace JD: Prison Journal 2008 – 569 pages. My Political Advocate Bona Fides.
No I have no peers in the world human society !!!
You will be accountable for your actions with regards to the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry Prize. If you don’t fair well, which you will not, then it will migrate into all the other prizes. When a person becomes a corrupt liar, then you have to evaluate everything they have ever said or done; or boycott them.
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Edward Kliment and each member of the Pulitzer Board
NOTE: My website on this matter will be updated within the next few days. Stay Tuned.
Let me begin by saying that I am Dr John WorldPeace JD, the only global advocate for WorldPeace and the only Advocate for Jesus Christ. Absolutely nothing that I communicate on this site or anywhere else in the world human society can in anyway be construed as a threat of physical violence against anyone on the planet and definitely not anyone even peripherally involved in any manner who I challenge regarding the Elitist Exclusionary Pulitzer Organization.
I began my verbal attack on the Board after the corrupt award of the 2020 Pulitzer Prize in May this year to Dr Jericho Brown. A few months later I had to withdraw from my attack on the corrupt Pulitzer Organization to pursue the more critical matter of removing Donald Trump from the presidency; said battlefield being the November 3, 2020, election.
My attack against Trump initially was my Independent write-in candidacy for President USA 2020, https://drjohnworldpeacejdforpresidentusa2020.com/ , postings against Donald Trump on Facebook since he received the 2016 Republican Party Nomination, and my website
Impeach Donald Trump https://www.impeachpresidenttrumpusa.com/, and my efforts to shame the fake and false Christians who support Trump who breaks 9 of the Ten Commandments and makes the way of the Lord crooked. Jesus said, “ A House divided cannot stand.” Therefore, God nor Jesus would ever endorse Donald Trump for President, or even dog catcher, who is absolutely anti-Christian. Jesus used the commandment against lying to define Satan as the Father of Lies because there is no truth in him. No one can deny that Donald Trump is the Prince of Lies on earth because as my mother often said, “He would rather lie than eat.” Even though in Trump’s case I think eating runs a close second to lying and just ahead of playing golf.”
I have challenged the State Bar of Texas for my disbarment in which the lawsuit only prayed for monetary damages and not for disbarment in Equity. I had appealed that disbarment completely through the Supreme Court of Texas and was about to begin my suit in the Federal Courts when a lying U S Deputy Marshall said I knocked him down and kicked him when he tried to server me a Civil Bench Warrant issued by Judge Brown to appear in my mother’s bankruptcy. I have no incident in my life where I assaulted anyone but I was forced to plead out to a one year misdemeanor as opposed to going to court and losing; as all defendents do when trying to refute the testimony of a lying cop. Further my son Dr John Wolter PhD is a police officer with the Houston Police and was in charge of protection of Mayor Sylvester Turner and my Grandmother Ellis retired from the Houston police department. I would never commit a lawless act of violence or anything else. Such actions would be a slap in the face of my grandmother and son.
Because the Judge in my State Bar trial was not appointed by the Supreme Court of Texas in 5 of the 6 complaints, and because Disbarment was not plead, there was no jurisdiction and the statute of limitations does not apply and I will proceed with my suit against the State Bar of Texas in the federal courts when I have time to devote to it. I have no intent to practice law again because it is a conflict oriented greed driven career the stink of which I will never be able to purge from my life.
The first Reformation of Christianity was successfully pursued by Martin Luther. He did not go far enough in his attack on the Catholic Church. In my book, I am finishing the Reformation which is the already in progress pursuing the termination of Corporate Christianity and its transformation to Spiritual Christianity (see the book: Gnostic America by Peter M. Burfeind) In Jeremiah 31: 34-35 in the Old Testament and Hebrews 8: 10-12 in the New Testament, God makes a new covenant with humanity when he put his laws in the hearts and minds of ever human being such that no one needs to teach anyone about God and Jesus salvation or enlightenment. These verses seem to negate Corporate Christianity and most certainly the billion dollar Jesus shows with false preachers like Kenneth Copeland the billionaire and Joel Osteen the millionaire working toward billionaireship. All these corrupt false preachers making truckloads of money talking about Jesus who had no assets. Go figure.
Jesus set the standard for true preachers. “Sell all you have and give it to the poor. Then follow me.” No corporate preacher lives that reality.
At any rate, The point is that I am a fearless but not foolish individual. My life, my destiny before I was born was to focus my life on Advocating WorldPeace. This is an advocacy primary focused on Religion, Government and the Law, which are the prime determiners of peace in the world human society.
Dr Jericho Brown changed his name as did I. He like me wanted a name that was more in line with who he was. Dr Brown probably wanted to rid himself of his slave name as well. Dr Brown has a PhD from the University of Houston and I have a Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Houston. Dr Brown is a one trick pony grounded in poetry. I have a much more dynamic resume; including being in the military, a husband and father, running for Governor of Texas 2002, self employment for the majority of my 55 year working career in insurance, accounting, tax, law and web design, a certified IQ in the top 1%, an artist as well as poet, etc. See JohnWorldPeace.com https://johnworldpeace.com my flagship website with 15,000 plus pages. And my vetting documents at: https://drjohnworldpeacejdforpresidentusa2020.com/DrJohnWorldPeaceVettingDocuments.asp/
Dr Brown has written 3 books of poems with about 250 poems. I have written and submitted for the 2020 Pulitzer Prize 50 years of poems that consists of about 3400 poems through 2019. This year I have written about 800 poems from January to November and will write another 100+ this year. Not much question as to who is the career poet. For Dr Brown to win the 2020 Poetry prize with less than 100 poems compared to my 4000 poems is a joke. The bigger LIE is that the poetry judges never read my submission and the Pulitzer has not denied this assertion.
In my first letter on this matter, I promised Ms. Canedy that she would be fired over this matter and that is what happened 6 weeks after the Poetry announcement in May. Now I will tell you that I intend to have Dr Brown’s career at Emory terminated.
In addition to challenging the Pulitzer on this matter, I have challenged the current premier poet Dr Brown to use his expertise and explain why his 100 poems were more deserving to win the Pulitzer Prize than my 3400 poem lifetime submission. He has not responded. The reason is that he is a fraud.
Further, I assert that he won because he is Black and the Pulitzer, with Ms. Canedy desired to even out the White dominance of the Pulitzer Prize since its inception. I was born and raised and lived in the South, Houston, Texas for 65 years. In 2011, I moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico and have no intention of ever returning to Texas.
Further, Dr Brown is a flaming Queen, and has no business teaching at any university. I have a serious issue with predatory pedophiles through my ex-best friend from kindergarden to 9th grade who tried to subject me to his gay boy scout mentor’s sexual advances. He tried to set me up but I made it clear to them both, my friend and the scout leader, to back off. When my father saw this scout leader he sounded the alarm to my friend’s parents and the matter was taken care of.
What is interesting is that there are two gigantic enablers of pedophiles. The Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church. And as it so happens Boy Scout troops are sponsored by Protestant churches. It is a hell of a reality detrimental to all who are boy scouts and altar boys in the Catholic church.
But there is in this case another class of enablers. Scoutmaster to boy scouts, priests to altar boys and university professors and their students.
The end of my friendship with DER (initials) was due to his parents and mine refusing to come to an agreement on which troop DER and I would join. His parents demanded we join their Baptist Church troop and my parents insisted I join our Presbyterian Church troop. DER and I had an agreement that neither of us would join until our parents came to an agreement. DER put a knife in my back by joining his church troop without telling me for several months. I cannot abide a liar. And that was the end of our 8 year best friend relationship. Like Humpty Dumpty, what was broken could not be repaired from my position.
As Dr John WorldPeace JD I am radically pro equal rights for the LGBT community. No exceptions. I do not believe the LGBT community is destined for hell by virtue of their gender preferences.
But I draw the line with the enabling of gay males by the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church and universities due to my personal experience that proves the truth about these two organizations. The Protestant churches are also enablers through their support of the Boy Scouts who are enablers.
Kids enter college at 18. Most are naïve about Sexual Predators. I would suggest in this area females are more awake to this issue due to their very high rates of rape in childhood.
I do not think Dr Brown should be denied a teaching position at Emory because he is a flaming Queen but I believe their must be a mandatory disclosure signed by all 18-20 years old male students who sign up for his classes that they are dealing with a flaming Queen and a definition of flaming Queen. The other option is to bar 18-20 year old males from taking Dr Brown’s classes. Dr Brown as a flaming Queen is in a academic position that creates a target rich environment for him. The power that a university professor has over a young males is every bit as great as a priest or a boy scout leader.
And now we have an example of the Pulitzer organization further enabling Dr Brown as a university professor with an award of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.
My point is that the Pulitzer had a choice to award the Poetry Prize to me, a polymath, with my credentials over a lifetime, and moreso since I changed my name in 1988, and my life experiences far exceeds the one trick pony Dr Jericho Brown and more to the point that by giving or even considering the flaming Queen Dr Brown for the Pulitzer Prize when he is in the same position as a priest or scout leader as a university professor. In this case, were he not a university professor at the time of his award, I would have no objections to him winning simply because he is a flaming Queen.
In my life, I have had to deal with more than one gay male. Usually, I tell them to back off and that is the end of it. As long as a person is doing their job, as a civilian or as a soldier, I have no gay based issues. I saw in the military a few guys having their lives ruined by getting caught in a gay act. One guy was a friend in the Army in Italy where I served and Jack got a dishonorable discharge with just two months left on his 4 year career. It was unfortunate and I and many other straight guys voiced our objections to his dishonorable discharge. All Jack did was get severely drunk one night and forgot where he was and had sex with another soldier in the barracks. The fire guard walked in on them and reported the incident.
In a nutshell, if lifestyle is an issue, if Black is an issue, my history as a WorldPeace Advocate has a much higher positive impact than promoting flaming gay blacks who are an insignificant percentage of the world human society. I am also prepared to bring up the issue that Ms. Canedy’s son is gay and she wanted as a mother to over come some of the abuse her son has to deal with being gay. The award of the Poetry prize to Dr. Brown is corrupt from A to Z.
I would also say that if the Pulitzer wanted to draw attention to the Black issue in the world human society and specifically in America they could have chosen me a radical liberal to present the prejudice White side of that issue. I wrote a 45 page poem about racism as I experienced it in my life with an emphasis on my younger years. I have posted that poem to my website. RAW WHITE RACISM
Now regards to the criminal acts of the Pulitzer Prize regarding the 2020 Prize, I would submit that Pulitzer took my $75 entry fee with no intention of reading my submission. And the total submissions that were not read orwere barely read will far exceed the minimum dollars needed for me to have standing in the Federal courts.
Here are the facts from my position.
I never entered a poetry contest and never submitted my poems to any publisher for inclusion in their publications. I was never involved in any poetry group and never gave a public reading. In June 2018, I decided the time had come to publish everything I had written. In March of 2019, I looked into the Pulitzer Prize and realized that I could submit my Complete poems. So I increased my efforts and met the deadline for submission in October 2019. There were only two rules published by Pulitzer. The poems had to be written in 2019 or the submission could be a selection or best or complete poems of the poet. There was no other information on the internet other than these rules.
The only poetry course I took in college was in my second year of college in 1967 was a 19th Century Poetry course. Whitman, Dickinson, Sandberg were the poets that impressed me. I did not like Poe because he was what some contemporary of his called, ”The Jingle Man”. Whitman wrote prose poetry. Dickinson was not discovered until after her death. I decided that I would at a later date begin to write poetry, probably after I graduated. I was working full time and going to college full time. Of my 10 years at the University of Houston, during 9 I worked full time. I applied for no scholarships nor did I borrow any money. During the last 6 years, 1976-1984, I owned my own businesses and was married with 4 children.
I was drafted immediately after graduation. My lottery number was 2. I waived the appeals and 6 weeks after graduation I was in the Army. I was trained for 11 months as an infantry sergeant to go to Vietnam and was instead sent to SETAF NATO forces in Vicenza, Italy to the U S Army headquarters there.
On, October 10, 1970, my wife and I spent the night in a hotel in Galveston, Texas. It was there I wrote my first poem. The poem was channeled and took about 3 minutes. I made no edits. I wrote poems for the next 50 years the same way I wrote this poem. I have all the originals which is in and of itself miraculous.
What I found out after Dr Brown was announced winner was that there was in fact a whole lot of rules associated with the Pulitzer prize. 1) A professional cover. All my 70 books on Amazon have my brand on the front. 2) There is no interest in free verse. The Pulitzer went out of its way to award E E Cummings the prize in his long and distinguished career writing 2900 poems. 3) There can be no punctuation or grammar errors. 4) All poems need to be left justified. 5) It requires a poetry publisher who employs readers to review and fine tune the poems in line with what the Pulitzer silently required. 6) It is necessary for the submitting poet to have a blue ribbon resume of accolades for poetry 7) It appears that the Pulitzer has a long history of contempt for free verse. See "E E Cummings and the Pulitzer" by Tony Ortega below. ( But my poems also include Frost, Dickinson, Whitman, and others)
Clip Job: an excerpt every day from the Voice archives.
December 10, 1958, Vol. IV, No. 7
The Lively Arts
By Gilbert Seldes
It is surely a remarkable coincidence that in every year which witnesses the publication of a book of poems by E. E. Cummings, the judges who award the Pulitzer Prize manage to find another poet to honor. You can imagine the scene for yourself. The deadline is the 31st of some month and the judges are huddled together waiting for midnight to bong. If no book by Cummings slips in, just under the last stroke of the bell, they sigh with relief–but those last few seconds must be agonizing. Suppose he does it again. They’ll really have to scramble about a bit. Can’t give it to Robert Frost every year, you know! Some years that old meanie Frost doesn’t publish a book at all and it’s tough. But bless them! they always manage.
They’ll have to manage again this year. For Cummings has published a new collection (“95 Poems”) and an excellent book about him and his work has just appeared (“The Magic Maker, E. E. Cummings,” by Charles Norman).
I suspect that this year’s Pulitzer Prize for poetry will be given to James Russell Lowell…
The Pulitzer Prize in poetry can be awarded posthumously, and it has just occurred to me that a new book by Robert W. Service–or maybe an old one–has just been issued. The Committee is off the hook.
Come to think of it, Cummings has held the most exalted single post a poet in America can hold: he has been Charles Eliot Norton Professor at Harvard. He’s had a Bollingen. He’s an academician. For all I know he may be entitled to be addressed as “Doctor.”
Isn’t there a faint possibility that the Pulitzer people need him a little more than he needs them?
[The 1959 award actually went to Stanley Kunitz, and Cummings never won a Pulitzer–Tony O.]
[Each weekday morning, we post an excerpt from another issue of the Voice, going in order from our oldest archives. Visit our Clip Job archive page to see excerpts back to 1956.] This article from the Village Voice Archive was posted on June 6, 2008
This situataion reminds me of my Evidence class in law school. Blakely was supposed the hardest professor. But that was due more to his abuse of student in class. I did not associate with any law students. I was too busy for that. I was not going to work in a big law firm. I already had enough accounting and tax and insurance clients to bring in legal work will very little effort. I graduated in 1984 and a year later I had 508 open legal files.
About a week before finals I realized that all the students in the class had copies of all the test questions that Blakey had asked in his teaching career. In a word, everyone was cheating. I refused. I did my normal study routine and failed the class. And took the second semester and followed my same plan and failed that too. Screw Blakely and all students. I am not a liar or a cheat.
The bottom line is that I had no chance in hell of winning the Pulitzer Prize for poetry. I was not aware of the unwritten rules for the Pulitzer Poetry prize because I was never associated with the Poetry herd on any level.
Problem is that none of those who submitted their poetry knew those rules either. The Pulitzer took $75 from each poet who submitted his or her poems and Pulitzer knew none of them who did not know the unwritten rules had a “dog’s chance in hell” of winning. That is Criminal Fraud and Criminal Theft. And discovery in my lawsuit is going to open all this up. You cannot stop discovery of all the submissions and me contacting every single one, as well as my advertising and emailing and posting on social media.
In January, I will begin an American search for an attorney licensed in the federal court. I will be significantly involved in developing the case, research etc. If I cannot find an attorney, I will file it pro se.
Since I have been self employed and under the radar in most everything I have done, you people have no respect for exactly what I can do.
Here are a few legal cases.
1) Billy Gibson v. Lauren Kramer Atty. District Court Harris County Texas. I had this woman disbarred. I expended her entire $400,000 malpractive policy in the civil case and was just about to dig into her personal millions when I was disbarred.
2) Plaintiff v. Bill Heard and Landmark Chevrolet. District Court Harris County Texas The biggest dealership in Texas for rape and assault as a matter of course in the operation of their businesses. Plus every contract was fraudulent. I lost the case again due to the disbarment but within a year, both dealerships were out of business.
3) Joyce Wolter (my mother) v. Heights Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas. District Court Harris County Texas. My mother had been in that church for 62 years and was and elder. I went to this church growing up. The preacher and two families had embezzled a majority of a $1 million gift from the son of the founder of the church which was 100 years old. The last meeting I had with the attorneys in the jury room included me and 12 opposing attorneys representing a handful of plaintiffs including the administrative units of the Presbyterian Church USA. During the lawsuit I discovered that the Presbytery, the immediate administrative level above Heights Church, was also missing $1.5 million but everyone was assured it was bookkeeping errors not theft. LOL. My disbarment shut down this suit.
I have no assets. I will do whatever it takes to legally shut down the Pulitzer Poetry Prize and I will jump any barriers protecting the Board of Directors individually and ruin their careers for corruption through my lawsuit.
Having spent my entire career working with small business owners, I am pretty sure that the corruption in the Poetry section will bleed over in a standard operating procedure with regards to the other Prizes. I am getting ready to cast a significant shade over everyone who every won a Pultizer Prize. That is the bet my friends. Can Dr John WorldPeace JD terminate the Pulitzer Prize in disgrace.
Pulitzer has everything to lose and I have nothing to lose; financial or otherwise. I say this to wake you up. If you take the time to read the 15,000 pages on my flagship website, https://johnworldpeace.com/ you will know that you do not want to take me on. You need to settle. But I am going to tell you that I am already pissed about the corruption of the Pulitzer I have found. The Pulitzer is part of the problem with the lack of an increased level of peace in the world human society.
I am a polymath with a significantly developed right and left brain. I can write poetry and paint and do accounting and law.
I repeat, I have been too busy with Trump to work on the Pulitzer. That project finalized when the vote was tabulated in the Electoral College. The Pultizer Prize is now at the top of my ToDo list.
Now in regards to Dr Brown. He has been touted for his new style of poetry which I consider a nothing burger.
You need to go to a website AllPoetry.com and the group Facebook Poetry Society. These two sites have a hundred thousand participants combined and there are other lesser poetry groups. What you will find on these sites is that no one is writing in the style that the Pulitzer is still awarding. I have seen no less than 20 poets who are far better that Dr Brown and I have not even begun to search these sites.
What I have done is to create a series of poetry books and just in the last two weeks published the first book on Amazon. “Dr John WorldPeace JD Commentary on Contemporary Harvested Poems November 2020”. This series of books will be a monthly publication of poems I find and determine to be the future of poetry. I have no helpers in this endeavor. All poetry contests are corrupt and take money just like the Pulitzer knowing who they are going to publish the submissions in advance. Submitted poetry to anyone for publication is a Significantly Demeaning Process for any poet. The above poetry sites give feed back but the traffic is so great on poems submitted, few get read. I will just work each month until I gather 100 pages of poems then publish them. In time, I expect poets will put my listing of their poems on their resumes.
The books will sell for $12. and that will just about cover the expenses that I will incur. The poet gets nothing from me. If a poet wants his work withdrawn it will be done immediately in real time. This is because Amazon only publishes as books are ordered. So book content can be changed in minutes and resubmitted.
Has Dr Brown created anything like this. No. According to some of his poems and maybe subtly all of them, all Dr Brown cares about is searching out the perfect black cock. The Pulitzer has promoted this socially rejected life pursuit over WorldPeace.
I would also point out that I have created a new genre of poems: One line poems My first book: A Thousand Petal Zen Lotus was half written in 1995 and the other half in 2019. The Second Thousand Petal Zen Lotus published at the end of 2019 was an attempt to refine the genre. I realized that the one line poems needed to be one sentence poems. I will rewrite the Second volume by removing the longer poems and replacing them with one line poems I wrote in 2020. I will republish the second volume when I accumulate the balance of one thousand poems which I expect to happen by Spring of 2021. Dr Brown’s contrubutions to poetry are insignificant and moreso a disgusting sexual genre which a very small percentage of the world human society care to explore.
I have published about 1100 poems this year January through November. At the end of December, I will publish the December poems and then I will publish a two volume set of my Complete Poems 2020. Last week I went through all I had written this year and published a volume of Select Poems January to November and will republish this book when I add December at the end of the month.
Dr John WorldPeace JD Selected Poems 2020. (254 pages) The first of January, I will take 100 poems from this book and publish them in: Dr John WorldPeace JD Best Poems 2020.
You do not know any poet that can create on this level.
Why can I be this productive? 1) I have been doing it for 51 years. 2) I am 72, a polymath, worked 80 hour weeks my entire career and have many many personally experienced things to draw on. 3) I channel poems. I do not write unless the energy of the poem comes to me. 4) I have also in the creation of my one line poem genre found that 5% of poems for all poets have what I call a one line poem embedded within the main poem. In some cases there are more than one phrase in a poem that can be a free standing one line poem. Because I channel poetry, I can springboard from these embedded poems to a 20-40 line poem.
These phrases taken from a poem, and 99% of the time the theme of the poems, are not subject to copyright laws. What I tend to do, I have not formed the habit of doing it always, is to under line the words in one of my poems that have come from another poem. Sometimes I put the poets name under my date. But on Facebook and in AllPoetry.com people hide their identity behind a profile name that is not related to their legal name. ie, Red Herring, Lucy Poetess, Sky Writer, and Sam999, and even in some of the more extreme groups Phuque Ewe.
I think what you need to consider is that I came out of the closet as a poet after 50 years and I intend to take over the world of Poetry, or become a significant guiding force for the Millennials. I have a huge marketing plan that I will engage next year. I hope not to have to spend a lot of energy fighting Pulitzer. So what if I do. Publicity is publicity good or bad. Ask Trump.
I live by two sayings in these matters. 1) Life is a daring adventure or nothing. Helen Keller. 2) Life is a journey not a destination.
Pulitzer cannot win this fight. You can disintegrate 100 years of Pulitzer prizes. And once that happens, you will never be able to resurrect the Pulitzer. It is the Humpty Dumpty scenario. And once this happens people will naturally take a closer look at the other poetry prizes.
Let me close with this. 1) I have written The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity and by so doing taken on 2 billion Christians. 2) I changed my name to John WorldPeace in April 1988, as a commitment to Advocating WorldPeace. As such I have taken on the whole world human society. People hate peace and they moreso hate anyone who advocates it. Why? Because increasing the peace in the world human society requires change and nothing is more feared and hated in the world human society than change. 3) Compared to 1) and 2) above the Pulitzer Board is just a mound of piss ants to be disbursed; metaphorically speaking.
I am open to a negotiated settlement. I am open to compromise. What I am not open to is being ignored. Do so at your own peril in the corrupt courts of law and in the opinion of the world human society. Violence is not necessary to destroy the lives of unindicted criminals.
Very sincerely,
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Header of 600 emails sent to Columbia University July 22, 2020
I am being ignored by the Pulitzer Organization, that resides at Columbia University, over their corruption of the 2020 Poetry Pulitzer Prize. My position is contained in the following email sent yesterday to 3,000 individuals of 30,000 on my list directed at Black Colleges and Universities, and referencing my website on the matter; https://drjohnworldpeacejdversuspulitzerorg.com/
It is my opinion, based on what Administrator Ms. Canedy did to me with regards to my 2020 submission, and her subsequent termination, that the Pulitzer is suffering from stagnation and corruption which often happens with organizations after 100 years. It has become an ultra elitist exclusionary tragedy.
I believe what has happened to me in regards to the poetry prize probably is also true of the other 20 prizes to a greater or lesser degree..
I think it is time for Columbia to seriously considering requesting the Pulitzer to find another university in order for Columbia to maintain its integrity and not be drawn into the corruption, fraud, theft, and conspiracy the board of the Pulitzer Prize is trying to cover up with regards to my submission.
This email is being sent to over 600 individuals within Columbia University.
The USA and the world human society is moving toward dark times spearheaded by the Trump Presidency and the movement of nations toward fascism. What the Pulitzer is trying to foist on me is an example of the USA having elected a fascist, racist, incompetent president who finds it impossible to speak the truth about anything. Much less abide by his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution and protect all Americans.
I have received no response from Ms. Canedy. I have received no response from the Poetry winner or two nominees. I have received no response from any of their publishers.
I told Ms. Canedy she would lose her job over this. I was correct. For a Black woman to achieve the status of Administrator for the Pulitzer Prizes is not something that any Black woman would walk away from. Something rotten happened in the Poetry 2020 contest. Now the question is what are you going to do about it.
I will say that I am going to keep a fire under this matter until it is resolved. If it is not resolved the fire will become an eternal flame.
I will say that Mr. Brown, who is a professor of poetry at Emory University will either respond to why his 78 page book was selected over my 3400 pages or he will also lose his position. He is going to be forced to deal with this matter with every class he teaches from now until he responds and it is resolved. If he cannot or will not respond, then the obvious question will be as to his value as a professor of poetry at Emory. He is also going to have to deal with the fact that probably every student he teaches will have read about him on my website.
I bought my first computer in 1981 and was on the internet from its beginning. I have been building websites for small businesses for 20 years. I know how to get attention on the internet. I know how to put Mr. Brown at the top of every search with his name in it. Emory is not going to want to deal with a pariah.
I am the only Global Advocate for Peace and WorldPeace and have been officially for 32 years when I changed my name. I have no peers in advocating WorldPeace. I have an IQ in the top 1%. I am a polymath. The latin phrase sui generis fits me perfectly. You can read about me at https://johnworldpeace.com. This website has about 14,000 + pages. No one has ever comprehended more than 5% of it.
It is my intention to make the Pulitzer Poetry Prize the first of 21 dominos to fall over the coming years if you do not resolve this matter.
If you think a guy named WorldPeace is too aggressive, then you have not read about Jesus, Gandhi, King, and Mandela. I too, have been a political prisoner and have my peace advocate bona fides.
I will give you until August 1, to move this matter along, and communicate to me where you are in the process of resolving it. I will tell you that after 20 years of practicing law and 22 years of building websites, the internet is exceedingly more effective at attaining justice. Ask Ms. Canedy. Soon you will be able to ask Mr. Brown. Soon you will not have to ask anyone.
I will not be idle as I wait for your response.
My political activism problems began when I ran for governor of Texas 2000-2002 and enraged the Texas Democratic Party because I would not stop broadcasting the truth about the corruption. I told them 2002 would be the end of the Democratic Party in Texas: it had been the only party in Texas since the end of the Civil War. I was right on. The Republicans own Texas now as the Democrats did for 137 years.
Right now, I am working to remove the Evangelical and Fundamental base from Donald Trump and Reform Christianity in the longer run. See The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity. It is linked from my website against Pulitzer.
I served a year in jail due to the lying affidavit of a U S Deputy Marshall who said I knocked him down and kicked him as he was trying to serve me with a Federal Civil Bench warrant. Every cop who has read his affidavit told me they knew he was lying. Every book publisher, every university professor, every professional poet who looks at my website knows something is wrong with the 2020 Pulitzer Poetry prize.
Today, I will begin to email all the 104 Historically Black Colleges. I have about 4,000 emails and expect that number to grow to about 30,000 harvesting these college websites. Within the next 10 days, all those emails will be sent.
Mr. Brown is a tenured professor at Emory in the English department. He should have no trouble in responding to the question of why his 68 poems outperformed my 3400 poems. Someone at Pulitzer is going to have to respond as well. That is after Pulitzer proves it even read my submission.
There are other questions about the process that I have not brought up yet. One is why was my application email account was erased before January when I submitted my supplemental 5th volume. I was out of the running before the judges met in April.
Also, I have written about 500 poems this year. January to March published and April to June will be published by August 1. That would mean about 1500 by the end of the year. I don’t think I will submit them for the 2021 prize. No matter how you resolve my issues, Pulitzer is just a high profile corrupt farce.
Ms. Laux’s “Only As The Day Is Long” only had 20 new poems. The rest were retreads from her glory? days.
Ms, Ruefle’s “Dunce” was the experience of being dragged through some the most boring poetry I have ever suffered through.
Very sincerely,
Dr JohnWorldPeace JD
200721 - July 21, 2020
The purpose of this website is to challenge the corrupt and arrogant aspects of the
Pulitzer Poetry Prize 2020.
These acts are typical of all large corporations and organizations that have been in business for many decades and have drifted off into their own elitist, exclusive mentality that is disconnected from reality, much less peace in the world human society.
I have had a life long habit of challenging these entities.
About Dr. John WorldPeace.
I have been writing poetry for 51 years. It is a passion. I don’t give a damn about prizes and competitions to try to get recognition for my work from people whose world view and accomplishments are, in many respects, insignificant to mine. I am 72 years old. I am a high-end polymath, with a very high IQ and extra-ordinary energy. I have developed my right brain and left brain functions. I have been self-employed 95% of my 50-year career in insurance, accounting, tax, law, and web design.
In addition, on Good Friday 1988, 3 weeks before my 40th birthday, after my first 19-year marriage, I changed my name to John WorldPeace and became an advocate for peace and World Peace. I am not a pacifist. After I had accomplished all my goals in life, I needed a global focus for the rest of my life; one that really could never be accomplished and so could keep me active.
Further, since 13, I have been an artist, and since 22, I have been a poet. When I was 13, I decided I was not going to paint couch art, nor would I make a living from my art. I wanted to create unique art without having to paint couch art to pay my bills. I kept my money-making endeavors separated from my art and my poetry. I have lived a normal but intensive life working at my various projects for 80 hour weeks since I was 17.
My flagship website contains an ongoing record of my life. https://johnworldpeace.com
In 2018, after writing poetry for 49 years, I determined to get everything I had written organized and published. Virtually all of it was on the internet but not in a published format; much was just graphic of the original cursive. I have all my original poems, which at the end of 2020 was about 3400.
I had tried to get all my poetry organized and published since 1990 but was always interrupted. I had reams of documents related to these attempts.
In 2018, I decided to use Amazon.com to self publish my books. I made attempts to find an agent without success. My work was just too expansive, and my genres of writing were too numerous to find one agent. The publishers would not deal with me without an agent. I never did find one.
Sometime in early 2019, I began to look into poetry prizes. I had never tried to get published by magazines and other media because it was just too time-consuming, and I had no time to try to figure out what each publisher wanted.
I read the Pulitzer Poetry rules, which simply required the poet to have published within the prior year. In my case from January 1 to October 3, 2019 The last three months of any year were ignored.
There was an allowance for selected, collected, and complete works that would allow me to enter what I had published in 2018 as well as 2019. So I devoted the hours necessary to get all my poems published by Amazon before the October 2019 deadline. This was a monumental task. I had one part time clerk to help me.
I had taken a 19th-century poetry class during my first year in college. I had no time to read poetry or become active in poetry groups. This was the same way with my art. I painted but did not try to market my art. My art is intense. Gallery owners like the art, but it has no genre, so they did not feel they could sell it. Some of my 4 x 5 foot paintings have 750 hours in them. My art Is classified in the catch-all genres of outlier, outsider, visionary art.
So my art and my poetry have run on parallel tracks of creating art and poetry but not marketing it and not getting involved in gallery openings or poetry groups or socializing with artists or poets. I have little interest in what others are doing with their art or poetry. Most of it looks and reads without inspiring the viewer or reader. I don’t know what poetry or art really is. I have never studied either to any great extent. I am not a herd animal, even marginally. But more on point, my life is just too dynamic and too busy to have been involved in the art and poetry scenes. I don’t drink or do drugs and don’t really care for frivolous chit chat. I would rather walk, jog, bike, hike alone with my thoughts if not with my family.
I decided long ago that after I created a body of art and poetry, I would turn a significant amount of effort into marketing my art the same as I had my businesses. The micro-targeting on Twitter, Google, Amazon, and Facebook make it easy to get a worldwide platform. My business plan never included achieving awards and prizes to sell my art or poetry.
Yes, it is an independent and arrogant attitude. I just did not have the time nor the desire to be a traditional artist or poet with regard to marketing my art. And I hate to travel.
Regarding the Pulitzer
I paid my $75 fee to Pulitzer and submitted 4 copies of my work of 5 volumes and filled out the application etc. In addition, I sent as a supplement of my poems from October to the end of December 2019, just so they would have the entire pulished work.
After all that editing, I was very much in the groove to write poetry. That energy has carried over to 2020, and I have written about 500 poems this year. I have published books for Jan, Feb and Mar and I am working on publishing April and May. I write in three genres. Free verse, Haiku, and one line poems for which there was no genre until I created it in 2019. I have written two books of 1000 of these poems under “A Thousand Petal Zen Lotus” and “A Second Thousand Petal Zen Lotus.” I am still developing that genre. I have not receive or sought out any input for this project.
After submission, I went on with my other endeavors. On May 4th I heard the announcement of winners.
I then looked at those winners’ submission and was shocked. The winner and nominations were less that 100 pages each. It made me laugh. These poets were normal average not very much driven, and I found the poems to have very little passion. It seemed to me writing poetry was their job. They were writing to market their work, and bolster their careers, not because they found inspiration in everything in the earth dreamscape. Mr. Brown took 4 years to squeeze out 56 poems. And 12 years to create a total of three books of about 180 poems; between one and two poems a month.
I had been seeking, before making an entry, what Pulitzer Poetry was actually looking for. It was unavailable. Only after buying copies of the winner and nominations was it clear to me that it was a waste of my time to enter my work in such a mundane contest. I expected much more from Pulitzer. Just my ignorance, due to not being involved with other poets, much less publishers and academics. I have tried to read the academic analysis of poems. I have never been able to get a grasp of what they were talking about.
I channel poems. Channel is a word the New Agers use about the information they tap into and then write about. It is not about constructing a poem but just letting it flow out.
No problem, my stupidity. Had I understood the required parameters of the entries, I would have never wasted my time with a submission. What I have written is along the line of Whitman, Dickinson and Cummings; outliers everyone. Since when does a close society ever recognize much less acknowledge an outlier.
I was amazed to realized when I finished publishing that I had already reached a number of poems that were in line with Frost and Sandberg and others’ life work. I am 72 and see myself producing about 1500-2000 poems a year. Not as an attempt to set any records, with regards to number of poems written in a lifetime, but just because I have found a way, after 50 years of writing, to write that many poems. Writing poems gives me pleasure and an experience of bliss and peace.
I see something, read something, experience something, and if I find it interesting, I will write a poem in less than 5 minutes and put it in a binder and forget about it. Five minutes after I finish a poem, I really can’t tell you what I wrote.
I can do this because I have used this creative vehicle in art and poetry for 50 years. Also, as a very curious polymath, I see metaphysical connections that most normal people never see. And I have intensionally lived a very intense and dynamic life.
The bottom line here is that I felt stupid that I submitted my poetry to judges who have no ability to relate to it much less write it or judge it.
Writing poetry is not a mechanical drudgery to me. In truth, poems just flow from the experiences I have stored in my soul over many lifetimes. And through the filters I have created in the intensity of this present life.
However, what I found in this Pulitzer experience and was unacceptable to me was that my poems were not even read.
I was not certain of this at first, but now I am absolutely sure of it.
I am a WorldPeace Advocate, and the way the Pulitzer is run is fraudulent and theft. To take money from entrants and not read the poems is straight-up fraud like any low rent publisher. Crazy. Disgusting.
As is typical, Ms. Canedy thinks she is protected in her high tower. She is wrong. My legal career has more than a few instances of terminating careers. I will not be ignored. I feel an absolute commitment to get to the foundation of what defines a Pulitzer Prize in Poetry.
Right now, I feel the Pulitzer prize is a small dysfunctional closed elitist, exclusionary society of publishers and academics trying to control poetic expression. The overall lack of interest in poetry in the world human society shows these judges are out of sync.
My experience in life with elitist groups is that they have a mentality like large company investment managers. “Better to be wrong with the group, than right and alone.” This definitely applies to the Pulitzer Poetry judges and probably all the rest of the judges.
The biggest problem with my poetry is that it is not recognized because evaluators of poetry have not been allowed to comment on what I have done. That makes it extremely scary for those with untarnished credentials. The chances of any judge voting for my submission is slim and none because they would have to vote what they actually think instead of what they think other thinks. It is very dangerous to consider work like I have created. If you promote it against the silent herd that is against it, your career is gone. If you don’t promote it and the silent herd is for it, you are screwed. If you are wrong, your career is forever scarred. If you are right, then obviously you violated the sacred herd mentality and you are no longer one of the herd and therefore screwed.
Questions for the winners
Now here is the question for the winner and nominations and their publishers. Do you really feel your submission are more worthy than mine? No way. The comparison is a joke. Like first grade and PhD; Like children and an adult.
Knowing what I know about business, I believe that Mr. Brown won because he has a very savvy publisher who knows everything about how to win a Pulitzer Poetry Prize and how the submission are judged. Something that probably took decades to figure out; the same way I have found out how to sell my business services. No problem
But in looking at the process, I see that what is required is a slick high-end cover. A resume of works published. A position in a university or in publishing or a history of being published by high end magazines, connections in the publishing world.
I think what the judges did was take 500+ entries, glanced quickly through the entries for the above requirements, and then threw away 95% of the entries without ever having read them. All the bullshit about reading everything is a damned lie; scanned maybe, glanced probably.
Then they applied their metric of nuanced manipulation of words and phrases based on a high-end knowledge of writing English.
For me personally, I grew up with a large extended family of blue-collar workers with no college and a critical attitude about educated people. Had I acquired a high-end vocabulary, I would have become an even greater outcast than I was; maybe even the ultimate blacksheep of the family.
Also, in dealing with people as a salesman for all my businesses, I realized that people get lost if you talk to them with anything over an 7th grade education. This is a researched fact. So to talk over the heads in a conversation with a potential client would probably lose the sale.
In fact, my performance on the Mensa and Intertel IQ tests was significantly handicapped by my low vocabulary such that I could not work the association problems because I was not familiar with the words being associated. So if I had taken Latin in high school and college, I would have been able to work most of those problems.
What is relevant is that you can’t write the kind of poetry that Pulitzer is looking for with a low-end vocabulary. It does not allow for interesting word and phrase nuances and interactions.
For me to take a poetic inspiration and then put it into multiple straight jacketts ruins it. Channeled, inspired poetry cannot be subjected to a lot of structure and word nuances. I think Emerson called Poe the “jingle man.” The winner and two nominees have jingles so nuanced that it takes a PhD to dig them out; ie. boring and flat.
As of right now, based on my life experience with entities like Pulizer, with their sense of being untouchable, I am going to probably sue Pulitzer for fraud and theft and possibly the publishers for the winner and the nominees for conspiracy. It depends on what I find in my ongoing discovery.
Right now, I am more concerned about disconnecting Trump from the Presidency. There is only one way to beat him and that is to take away his Christian base. Nothing else will assure his loss in December. I have what is needed to do that. I have published my book “The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity.” 250 pages of logical, linear clean up of what Jesus actually said per the red-letter words in the Bible and ignoring all other commentaries. Example, How can Jesus return if he never left. Is there anyone who would stand up in church and say Jesus was not present. Not likely. The book became available for sale yesterday on Amazon.com and probably today there will be an e-book version also for sale.
That 7th grade mindset of the average person lets them be manipulated by jerks like Joel Osteen who makes millions from their talking about Jesus who had nothing.
Lastly, for the most part after practicing law for 20 years and being a web designer for 20 years putting up websites like this, that will be topped ranked in a Google Search for Pulitzer Poetry Prize, it will keep the potential defendants in front of the public and tag them with fraud and corruption and seriously affect their reputations and businesses; forever.
I hate being ignored, so I intend to remove Ms. Canedy from her job. Herd people, especially high-end herd people do not like publicity. Pulitzer is not going to like the arrogant mishandling of this matter by Ms. Canedy and bringing too much spotlight on the way Pulitzer has operated. Etc Etc
This website will be significantly enhanced over the next weeks.
My Proposal for resolution
My offer to the publishers. Two, choices. 1) You reject the prize or nomination and suggest that it be given to me because my submission was not read much less considered. 2) The publisher writes 20,000 words as to why your client’s less than a hundred poems is better than my 3400 poems. In this option, the winning poet also has to write 7500 words as to why he or she believe their submission should have won over mine.
I think the safe choice is #1. If no choice is made, then I will force #2 in court. If that is necessary, the Pulizer Poetry prize is toast. Think about a jury being required to read the winner and nominated poems and all my poems.
For me, this is about the Pulitzer Prize being an impediment to increasing the peace in the world human society. That is my, my metric, my global position, peace. The local position is the Pulitzer Prize which I know now is another herd corruption.
I hear it all the time, “You are John WorldPeace, why are you so aggressive?” I just point to Jesus in the Temple, turning over the tables of the money-changers in the Temple and whipping them. Jesus said, “Do you think I have come to bring peace? I have come to set a fire.” LK 12: 51
Buy and read my book, “The Third Millennium Second Reformation of Christianity,” from Amazon.
Very Sincerely,
Dr John WorldPeace JD
Dr John WorldPeace JD, Brown, Ruefle & Laux
2020 Pulitzer submissions
Yes you are seeing correctly, the winners submitted 100 page books, Dr Jwp submitted 3400 pages.
Dr. John WorldPeace JD b. 1948 Dr. John WorldPeace JD
Complete Poems 1970 - 2019
5 volumes | 3400+ pages | 4000 poems
5 poetry books Jan - May 2020 - 550+ poems
Changed named Good Friday 1988
BA Pol Sci, 1970, BAccountancy 1978,
Doctor of Jurisprudence 1984 | all U of Houston
U S Army Sgt Infantry 1970-1972
Mensa / Intertel
Political prisoner 2008
The only Global WorldPeace Advocate
The Advocate for Jesus Christ
70 books, most poetry, all on Amazon.com
Religion, Christianity, Sci-Fi, WorldPeace
Political Suspense, Poetry - Artist
Flagship Website : JohnWorldPeace.com 14k pgs
Career: self employed: Insurance, Accounting,
Tax, Law, Web Design - no intent to retire Most recent book:
The Third Millennium Secord Reformation
of Christianity June 10, 2020
The Independent Maverick Candidate for
President USA 2020
5 significant relationships over 45 years
4 Children with first wife - of my body not my soul
RAW WHITE RACISM (written in 2020) (one poem 74 pages) SUBMITTED FOR THE 2022 PULITZER POETRY PRIZE Paperback available on Amazon.com - click here
Jericho Brown PhD b. 1976
emial to
Brown and Publisher
Jericho Brown PhD, Emory’s Winship Distinguished Research Professor in Creative Writing email: college@emory.edu
Copper Canyon Press
Jericho Brown b. 1976 The Tradition
72 pages | 58 pages
Inspiration from Ganymede, Jericho Brown
The People of my country believe
we can't be hurt if we can be bought
Is there any other way
few walk the earth
who are not bought
because they
agreed to be sold
The world human society
are certainly economic slaves
The big money
advertises, finances
and moves money
from the bottom
of the social pyramid to
the top
Education dummys down
to the 7th grade
- no matter
Dylan says, "You have to
serve somebody
Harriet Tubman
proved slavery
was a choice
Dorianne Laux b. 1952
W W Norton & Company
Dorianne Laux b. 1952 Only as the day is Long
New and Selected Poems
124 pages past poems | 20 new poems
Inspiration from: Only as the day is long
Dorianne Laux
A stubborn moon
that trails the car all night
is the light behind
we always leave alone
in the dark
we drive deeper
into darkness
It is counter intuitive
to look into the sun
the moon or candlelight
The light
opens too many windows
too much truth
mostly that we script
our own lives
Ask receive
seek find
knock enter
We script our life
Jesus is not a liar
Mary Ruefle b. 1952
Wave Books
Mary Ruefle b. 1952 Dunce
95 pages | 66 poems
Inspiration from: Dunce
Mary Ruefle
I am compelled
to drink my own tears
I cannot allow
the pain of the
world to
wring me out
until dehydration
The tears
of little people
disintegrate them
for mostly
short times
personals tears
that is
poor pitiful me tears
not much compared
to the 6th Extinction
and the burning
down of the
Garden of Eden
Correspondence from Dr John WorldPeace JD to Pulitzer